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I only brew a few times a year but loved the idea of draft. Just got all my kegging gear and hit my budget so have got a sodastream cylinder and adapter very cheaply to complete the setup. My issue is with attaching the cylinder to the adapter/regulator. Screwing on the cylinder will exhaust gas out the side of the neck on the cylinder! What a waste! Is this normal and am I missing something?

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I had a look on RealBeer but couldn't find this issue. Maybe I haven't screwed it in far enough and it locks in and stops at a certain point? It's just that I've already dropped from 1.10Kg to 1.04Kg so I know I could just waste it if I'm doing something wrong...

Have you got a gasket between the bottle and the adapter. Never used one of the adapeters but I have got a reg that screws direct to a soda stream bottle, this needs a small fla nylon gasket to seal properly

Thanks - gasket is there - new one

Actually, I figured it out! It looks like as you screw it on, it releases a spot of gas but only a little bit if you screw fast enough towards the end. There you go!...

Yeah, I usually hand tighten it until i hear gas start to escape, back it of a bit then grab the spanners, get them set up right and tighten the last turn quickly.

Same here.

My adaptor has an adjustable pin ... had to play with that just to get it to press on the valve properly.

Yeah - quick hands are the key with mine too - and gloves if you're worried about frost bite.


Awesome, thanks guys! This will hopefully help others as well! I might play around with the adjustable bit until it makes the smallest pist noise as it is screwed on then I'll know it is callibrated for the next time - hopefully the next swapped sodastream cylinder is a similar shape and size...

Im too lazy to readjust. Soda stream bottles have variable depths on the pin having been through about 20 of them. I just get it close then double spanner it. Small white cloud of co2.

Moving to a 5kg bottle soonish. Trying to determine whether I use satan ... err I mean BOC ... or buy one.

Depends on the financial controller and what she says.


just got a 5kg cylinder from Gas Fire  Cylinder Services in Tauranga for a reasonable price, second hand cylinder, not gonna win any prizes for looks but $200 for a 5kg is pretty good from what ive heard. Had issues with the sodastream leaking out too.

Ok ... so I finally picked up a d size bottle from BOC. Apparently food grade co2 is the cheapest as they do heaps of it. With that in mind ... does anyone want/need a sodastream adapter for their reg? Free to a good home.


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