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SOBA Homebrew competition - it's getting close!

It's not far off until we start receiving entries (this Friday) for the SOBA Homebrew Comp 2009 so I thought I better plug it to just remind people.
I'm really hopeful that we can beat the 204 entries of BrewNZ 2008 and would LOVE to have more entries than BrewNZ 2009!

So if you haven't brewed anything for the comp i'd encourage you to try and get something brewed sharpish to meet the cut off date of 24th July!


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I'm in, should be at least 6 beers from me.
Hi Brendan

What information should be entered in the brewers notes section when entering beers in the SOBA NHC?
Sent two bottles of my Bourbon Porter.. The anticipation is almost too much! lol
Is there a page on SOBA listing all those who've entered and what categories they're entering into.

Think that might be nice to see who we're up against :o)

Also, do you know what the conditions are like in the store room for all the beers?
Hopefully conditioning temp! :)
That's what I'm hoping :o) If it's better than my front room they'll be in the post tonight :oD


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