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Does anyone know a good acid to use to reduce ph? (don't want to use calcium sulphate)

I've been using citric acid but I'm not convinced this is the best acid to use. Are there others which are available from the supermarket?


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Just to clarify are you talking wort pH? Like in the kettle? Or mash pH?

Is calcium chloride no go either?

Dunno what you could get at the supermarket, only thing that comes to mind is tartaric, but can't say what it would do to the beer...
dmh has ph 5.2 stabiliser in, 19.50 for 400grams, would that help you out?
glen - mash ph, was trying to avoid using chloride or any salts for that matter, most sites I've seen recommend lactic or phosphoric acid, but I've got no idea where to get these.

martin - ph 5.2 (according to Jamil) also can affect beer with a mineral flavour so I'm trying to find an acid that will do the job.

Am worried citric acid might be giving the beer a citrus flavour. Like all OCD homebrewers I'm convinced this is the case and swear I can taste it in every beer. Probably worrying about nothing!
Not to shoot down your decision but why not water salts? Fair enough if your water is hard already but I noticed a great increase in the quality of my beers since I started using them, probably because of my ridiculously soft water.

I've also used 5.2, and while I didn't get any mineral flavours I did notice a weird thin and emptiness in my beers malt character.

Can't comment on the citrus flavours sorry.
Don't have a problem with using salts, just for certain styles (am brewing a belgian golden strong tomorrow)
Lactic acid is what I use.
You could try acid malt, or sour some of the mash. You should be able to get lactic at the super market though
Where do you buy lactic acid james? How much does it go for?

I use gypsum and citric acid, cant say I get a citrus flavour from citric acid tho...
I get it from Wigram Brewing Rev, can't say I have ever paid for it sorry!

Not sure were else you would get it from on a small scale.
I use citric or tartaric, whatever is handy. If neither are handy I use the juice of one lemon :-)

Tartaric acid from Pak n Save = Cream of Tarter.
I use tartaric too. I've had no issues.
awesome, thanks fullas


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