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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Hey Guys, How does this sound for a Vienna

2.00 kg .Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 SRM) Grain 46.95 %
1.20 kg .Pilsner, Bohemian (Weyermann) (1.6 SRM) Grain 28.17 %
1.00 kg .Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 23.47 %
0.06 kg .Carafa I (337.0 SRM) Grain 1.41 %
25.00 gm .Northern Brewer [7.00 %] (60 min) Hops 23.2 IBU
15.00 gm .Hallertau Aroma [6.90 %] (15 min) Hops 6.8 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Bohemian Lager (Wyeast Labs #2124) Yeast-Lager

1.049 & 30IBU

Looks like a good recipe mate, allthough im not sure if a Vienna lager should have munich in it? Might beef it up a bit too much... And the carafa probably doesnt need to be in there either... Vienna lager should be malty, but with a very dry finish, quite a hard style from what ive read...

Id be more inclined to go 50/50 Pils and Vienna, with maybe 1% carafa for colour, and mash nice and low to get it finishing dry... You might not need the flavour hop in there either but that comes down to personal preference eh ;o)

My 2 cents, bearing in mind this is a style im yet to try myself...
Thanks bud, yeah the carafa was for colour only i needed the 1.5% just to get it into colour style. Will try with no munich and will mash @ 66C
Try to mash lower I reckon, like 64-65*c, get it finishing dry as which will accenuate the malt flavours heaps I reckon!!
Ok cool thanks mate, I loss 1C over an hour so if I start at 65C i'll get down to 64C. At that lower temp I should mash longer though aye say 75min? Have a pilsner going at the moment so will reuse the yeast for this.
I dont think youll need to mash longer, it should all still convert in the first half an hour, but if youd rather be safe than sorry then go ahead...

I love doing lagers and pitching onto masses of yeast, I reckon more is so much better as far as lagers go, best lagers I do are normally gen 3 yeast pitched onto like 2 litres of trub, reckon the yeast just doesnt have to struggle at all and ferments clean as at 10*c!!
That's JZs recipe aye?

I'd be tempted to roll with that, I've had good success with his.
Don't know is it?
Looks like it. If you thought of that yourself you must be some kind of prodigy haha. From the book:

26 IBU and 1.050

Hallertau at 60, 0.5oz hallertau at 10 mins.

67C Mash. 1.54kg Pils, 1.36 Munich, 2.26 Vienna, 57g Carafa Special II.

He used Munich Lager though. I liked 2124 in my helles (original recipe also called for Munich Lager).
ha funny what books this Glen?
Brewing Classic Styles by Jamil Zainesheff and John Palmer.

If you only buy three brewing books in your life they should be BCS, Designing Great Beers (Ray Daniels) and How To Brew (John Palmer).
And Wild Brews and Brew like a Monk.


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