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Hey guys

Does anyone know anything about pediococal infection? I seem to have picked one up from somewhere, first in my Pilsner which is really strongly smelling of what I have been told is a pediococal infection, and im now worried because ive just kegged and carbed a Pale Ale and ive noticed it has a similair smell to it, tastes fine, but that smell is not good

Smells, herbally, minty, piney sorta, hard to describe, but its not desirable at all... The two beers were completely different so I can definately narrow it down to an infection...

Id be keen on any information relating to this, just curious where it may have come from etc etc...

Im gonna throw out all of my hoses, bleach the crap out of all my fermenters, and get new yeasts, oh, and get a tap put in my kettle so I stop no chilling in the kettle and go back to cubes Im thinking it may be a combination of the no chill in the kettle and the really hot weather weve had lately... But thats only my first guess...

Any help muchly appreciated... Cheers

Oh, and am I even spelling it right cos Google didnt bring anything up?

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Probably around 60ish....a wee miscalculation has pretty much ruined the whole batch....loads of flavour and aroma hops have been used but none are evident due to the ridiculous early boil bitterness....I was going for an APA/AIPA because i love them but i'll swap ya a bottle for one of yours if you like?
What kind of miscalculation are we talking about here? What exactly do you describe as "rediculous"?

I'm in for a bottle swap if you are mate.
60 ibus sounds sweet as, alot of mine are in the 70ish mark with a lowish OG...

Ive got a 1058 IPA with 62 IBU's, swap ya :o) Ill PM you
I've got a 1.074 that went down to 1.012 @ 90IBU with 100% Rakau hops if you are keen Kempicus. The perceived bitterness is up the shit though because I just found out (got a report from the council) that I have virtually no sulphate in my water.

Maybe I'll squirt some iso-alpha in your bottle for you though?
Yeah i'll swap one of those with ya if you want?
Ridiculous = grassy and astringent
I like bitter beers, Imperial IPA's are my favourite style but this is not to good at all....i'll swap if you want but i'm just warning you :0)
In that case maybe ill give you something else than one of my 3 last bottles of IPA :oP Ill dig through the shed and see what I have...

Bourbon Porter maybe?
Errrrmm not a fan of Bourbon sorry :0/
All goods mate, it may have to be NZIPA "Sheep Shagger" instead, but it was Jokings favourite beer of mine so im sure you wont mind...
Mmmmmmmmmm 70IBU of Sauvin. You'll be relieved to hear than the skin on my tounge has grown back, Revilled...
Looking forward to it!!!!! :0)


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