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Renaissance's seasonal release, Paradox, is just awesome IMO... It reminds me of some of the really hoppy refreshing Pale Ales that I like to brew, just not as bitter :oP lol

If you see it around, you should most definately try it! Chock full of Riwaka hops, nice balance between the hops and the malt, good body, all round a really good beer! An awesome quaffer for a hot summers day, my bottle didnt last very long thats for sure... :o)

IMO it kicks Perfections ass, which was previously my favourite Renaissance beer...

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A fair comment. I suppose on a single tasting - it could be worth more, but on a lineup with those others - it tasted like 2-row and water with yeast. No offense or anything - I needed to get another 6er when I was staying at Disneyland to get a beet grip on it. But then I was disappointed that it was still more commercial that the others that I tried.
I wounder If its worth Doing a group purchase and sending a pellet of diffrent american beers shipped into wellington?
A pellet??? Geez, that sounds awesome!! Anyone know anyone in the states?
I know a family in Idaho - its just north of california, so with any luck we'd get a whole pallet of Russian River.
I'm from the States... just got back from visiting the folks and friends there last week. Drank as many craft beers as I could find... some good, some not so good.
I've talked to Doug Dresser at Firestone Walker a few times. He's a kiwi and worked at BrewNZ a few years back. He knows nobody who is very interested in shipping out from the states - there is still such a big untapped market internally. It would probably take a New Zealander to go over there and set up at that end.

I remember Richard Emerson telling me that he'd been approached about sending 2 CONTAINERS of Bourbon Porter to the States. He had to explain to the guy that he didn't make anywhere near that much, let alone have enough to send. That's the difference between 400 million people and 4 million people.
I nominate myself to be that person. Obviously I'd need to be sponsored... BUT - I am the best person for the job: I mean I've get 3 months worth of leave owing... this is the time it would take MINIMUM to got around enough places to drum up some contracts.

Who'se behind me??? In the end it will be beneficial to the NZ public. Honestly.
Can I come? :oP
Sorry, SOBA will only sponsor one person.

(I dont speak for SOBA).
Now you've made me feel guilty. We can go on a make believe trip to anywhere you'd like to go - and drink whatever you want!
Really? Youd do that for me? :o) hahahaha


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