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Renaissance's seasonal release, Paradox, is just awesome IMO... It reminds me of some of the really hoppy refreshing Pale Ales that I like to brew, just not as bitter :oP lol

If you see it around, you should most definately try it! Chock full of Riwaka hops, nice balance between the hops and the malt, good body, all round a really good beer! An awesome quaffer for a hot summers day, my bottle didnt last very long thats for sure... :o)

IMO it kicks Perfections ass, which was previously my favourite Renaissance beer...

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The way I look at it is, A good bottle of Red Chateau Du Pape, $70=,1 bottle of Imperial Stout, $32 I know what I will be rather drinking. Also I would only be having it once in a while, not a session so it is well worth it!! $32 every 4-6 months, Thats not over the top is it?
Not at all mate, when you put it that way it makes perfect sense, just alot to cough up in one go...

And yeah, id for the beer over the wine any day ;o)
Not at all, my two bottles of Alesmith cost me in excess of $80 which i was more than happy to pay!


We attempted to land a couple of pallets prior to Christmas, but it fell over. (All sorts of reasons).. We are working on it again now, so time will tell.
no miller or bud please... unless it is subsidising Imperial Imperials!
I'd second that. If I saw "Pliny the Elder" even for $20 a bottle, I'd get it. If I saw Sierra Nevada Celebration in there for $30 a 6 pack - I'd get it. Green Flash West Coast IPA was $12 for a sixer in San Diego: the same beer here would be $10 a bottle. I'd still pay it. Stone ruination worth whatever they charge. (I'm talking US dollars).

I get disappointed when I browse a website under USA beer - and see "millers" "budweiser" "anchor porter". Don't get me wrong about anchor beer though - liberty was a solid 6/10 for me... but I want 10 / 10 beers available.
I'd pay $40 for a Pliny the Elder....$45 for Pliny the Younger :0)
It's a crime - look at this.
Why would you put us through such suffering? :o( I want!!!
I want to go back. I could live there you know. Just need a green card. And a job. I wonder if Russian River will employ me. I'll work for Pliny instead of money.
I'd warm up on dead leaf green and then have Russian River IPA, followed by Blind Pig followed by Pliny....joy and rapture :0)
Liberty 6/10. Damn you are hard to impress - it's a great beer. It's a 6/10 after it's been shipped to UK and then on to NZ via a long stop in the tropics. It's fantastic fresh in the US, even though it's been 5 years since I tried it there (my shame - was staying in Santa Barbara and never knew about Firestone Walker!!)..


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