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Renaissance's seasonal release, Paradox, is just awesome IMO... It reminds me of some of the really hoppy refreshing Pale Ales that I like to brew, just not as bitter :oP lol

If you see it around, you should most definately try it! Chock full of Riwaka hops, nice balance between the hops and the malt, good body, all round a really good beer! An awesome quaffer for a hot summers day, my bottle didnt last very long thats for sure... :o)

IMO it kicks Perfections ass, which was previously my favourite Renaissance beer...

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Good news for Pomeroys goers - due to a cronic Yeastie Boys shortage, it will be on early. Only one Golden Boy left then in to the Paradox. Bottles will be around all ChCh usual outlets by the end of this week if they are not there already.

I'll have a chat with Brian and if they aren't attending the Wgtn Festival then I'll look to bring it there with Invercargill, Three Boys & the latest Yeastie offering......!

BTW if anyone wants the Three Boys Wild Plum with ltd edition glass - let me know as I have a few left.

What!? You guys going to drink all the Yeastie Boys before we get there at the end of Jan?
Oh man on tap? Im so jelous :o*(
Was on tap at Bar Edward a month or so ago... it's nice but it needs some more bitterness to balance the esters and the hop flavour and aroma. Imagine Emerson's Pilsner with less bitterness and more esters.

The first time I tried it was after another (more bitter) beer and found it difficult to drink.
A few days later I tried it as the first beer of the day and it was quite pleasant.

I want to see Perfection on tap - now that beer on form is an awesome pale ale!!! I tasted it side by side with Epic (first batch in the 500ml) a couple of months ago and it blew Epic out of the water. That is saying something because the worst Epic I've ever drunk is still one of the better beers in NZ.
It's the Renaissance range for me this weekend!
Unless GB turns up at regional.....
It was sent Monday so they should have it by now...
Renaissance another day then!
I wonder if the beerstore guys are reading this conversation about US beers.....i'd certainly be buying up large as well!
Why dont you just email him? :oP
Already mentioned it to them...they were non-committal
Stink :o( Id be keen for some US beers, I got a book on them for xmas and all I can do is look at the pretty pictures and hope that one day one of them will pass my lips :oP lol
Man that's just MEAN!!! a mate in the US sent me Alesmith IPA and Alesmith Scotch ale and they were absolutely AWESOME!!


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