At least you concur, Stu. I tend to call like I see it. I don't think that 'good' beer is 7% and high IBU either, I was referring to flavour, mouth feel, body, you know, all those qualities that go to making a 'good' beer. Monteiths, is a prime example, it used to be a half descent beer (IMO, a while ago now), and ok I have never been a huge fan, but that doesn't mean I can't recognise a beer for it's inherent qualities. I am afraid that Mac's is now on that slippery slope. Another example is how the 'big boys', brew under licence. All those beers, are a shadow of there originals. Heineken, Stella, etc, all taste far better in their original form (or used to, it's been a while since I was in Europe). Nothing better than a 'good', crisp, clear, bitter, flavoursome Pilsner, IMO. But you have to go to the little guys to find one, why is that? It's simple brewing (yes I understand the economics of scale and cost, I feel for you Luke).
Macs do a flavoursome (and awesome) pale ale, but it's not pushed very hard even in their lavishly branded theme bars. I was in the Northern Steamship on Friday and next-to-no-one was trying Brewjoulais (still some on there btw). For me it was the only beer in contention. There's no song and dance about it at point of sale, no suggestive sell from the bar staff. A beer like that should be written in the sky above the bar in bright red smoke coming from tails of the Red Arrows. It's awesome, still noticeably crystally but the prickly hop has mellowed into a lovely flavour.
I suspect that it's a result of un-knowing Aucklanders; the kind of wanker that frequents such a place (people who have been sucked in by branding to the extent they _think_ they're drinking craft and just don't know any better); "brand scared" people who can't consider something other than Mac's gold because it's only that which makes the right kind of "statement" about them; flaccid palettes; who bloody knows.
I personally hate the "I'm in the know" - when they're not - kind of drinker. They're not a patch on us real beer snobs.
I am afraid that Mac's is now on that slippery slope.
I reckon they were on the slippery slope before Tracy Banner came on board. Then Colin Paige carried that on. Now it's Ally Clem... sure, they're not making Alesmith IPA, and they're not as innovative as Emerson's, but to put them in the same paragraph as monteith's is a little harsh. It is rare for me to get a bad "pint" of Mac's (Sassy Red, Hop Rocker and Great White are the only regular ones I really drink). i'd always blame a bad one on the pub. I don't really drink the bottled stuff but I'd not turn my nose up at it.
Brewjolais has, every year it has been released, been one of my favourite beers of the year.
And then there has been:
Hop Harvest Pilsner
Nelson Reserve
Wicked Blonde
Cheeky Amarillo
Great White
Sultry Dark
Verboden Vice
No. 8 (? BrewNZ about 4 years ago)
Malt Mac
All rather nice beers... I'm sure there have been more.
"to put them in the same paragraph as monteith's is a little harsh."
I didn't quite put them in the same basket Stu. I said, I think they are on that slippery slope (to mediocrity). I still think they brew some very good beers. I still buy Great white or Hoprocker, as a 'regular' beer when I am not drinking my own or a microbrew. But, lets face it, every beer owned/brewed by the 'big 2', is governed by cost and returns, not flavour. I seriously hope I am wrong, but history tells me I am right.
This brand loyalty thing is a real bad one eh? I have a collegue at work, when I met him, he was an avid Heineken drinker, I tried to get him into craft beers, convinced him to try a few, and before I knew it he was hooked on Emersons Pilsner, but now the problem is, thats the only thing he drinks, hes found his brand, and hes sticking to it?!?! WTF???
It's really common - we see it all the time - the number of people who b*tch and moan when a beer they like goes and we replace it with something else. It seems to be a real kiwi thing - a desire amongst some beer drinkers to identify with a brand.
I'd never experienced it before I got to NZ - in the UK I'd never seen anyone walk out of a pub because, for example, there was no Carling Black Label.....they'd just drink Fosters or any other mass produced replacement.
In the last six months though I've seen a surpising number of people walk out because there was no Speights on tap! Madness!
I don't think this is really a "kiwi thing" at all... it happens all around the world. People are addicted to brands. We live in the most conservative age there has ever been. There is so much choice that people are frightened of making a decision.
When they ask for Speights do you point at Founder's Generation Ale say "No, we've not got that, but here is this wonderful brown ale from just down the road that I think you will really like if you also like Speights".
There's a few craft beers around that can please the NZ draught drinker - Founder's Generation Ale and Sunshine Reserve Ale are two option that spring to mind immediately. Kid Chocolate was along these lines too... historical NZ draughts in some respects.