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We all love a mince and cheese pie, well, a proper kiwi does anyway :o)

I was thinking at lunch, what would be the perfect beer to accompany a good ol mince and cheese pie with tomato sauce?? What do you drink with your pie?

And please dont tell me Tui to go with a Tui pie and some Tuimato sauce on it... Even tho Tuimato sauce is pretty tasty...

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What a set up. Poetry.
In some parts of the world it is safer than the water...
In some parts of the world its cheaper than water too...

Like Corona in Mexico, jug for $0.50, bottle of water $1.50 :o) Hilarious!
and they both taste the same :o) Hilarious!
Dont forget 660mls of Tui $2, 700mls of Pump water $3.50 and I would pay more for the water
Haha, as opposed to Corona tasting like water, Tui tastes worse ;o) lol

I would take the water over the Tui also :oP
Fritha made me a delicious asparagus, mushroom, agria potato and Linkwater cheese pie tonight. Goes marvelously with Dark Mild that I'm drinking right now. Really, who needs to kill a beast to have an enjoyable experience?


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