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Hey everyone,

How long do you rekon milled grain will last if its stored in a pretty air tight container? I want to get a heap of malt from liberty but dont have a mill so need it to be premilled. 25kg seems alot to just have milled sitting around...who knows maybe i need to brew more! haha!

What do ya all reckon?


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I have usually only kept 5 ~ 10kg milled in an air tight container at a time for a month or two. Vacuum sealed would be a much better option.
I'd check around town (wherever that is) and see if you can borrow a mill
+1 for trying to source a mill locally! I reckon the maltiness degrades fairly quickly, my brews are allways better for some reason when I get a fresh crush... I used to get all my grain pre crushed and the max I left it for was about 1 month in an air tight bag..


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