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I'm about to order some more specialty malts and stock up on the ones that a are low. Any last requests?

I'm also buying some koppafloc and iodophor. Is anyone interested in peracetic acid and/or alkali cleaner?

And then I'll get around to "sponsoring" realbeer. Help keep the homebrew love alive.

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Keg lube?
Food grade lubricant... like this @ craftbrewer
Surely KY is cheaper, and that must be food grade if it is genital grade.
I'll see what I can find. I've never heardof anyone lubing a keg.
It's a must do Stu .. you're not a real brewer until you've loobed a keg.

But seruiousl;y, I think the KY is mineral based and not benificial for the rubber.
meaning it's not bad for them either, but just not good.
Is that right, any silicone / ky specialists out there ?
Count me out of the "real brewer" set then... for now.
*looks to see if anyone is willing to own up to being a silicone or KY specialist*

*notes tumbleweed*
KY must be rubber safe, I mean it's intended to be used on 'rubbers' isn't it?

To be honest I've never used KY, I rock the durex stuff, that's pretty good.

I've never lubed a keg either, the Americans are always going on about it but I've never seen the need? I think it may be good for the screw top fermenters though to stop the rubber ring sticking.
I just use spit.

... on the keg that is.
What about vet lube? Nope wrong forum ...... :)

The lube creates a better seal, if the rubber is not sitting correct.
The lube creates a better seal, if the rubber is not sitting correct.

perhaps you need some help with positioning your rubber in the first place then ?
Lubing up your main ring (on the keg boys !!!) is certainly viable but do it just prior to kegging otherwise it acts as a shite magnet and catches every bit of dirt, crud and fly arse in the air for upto 10 days..
Any plumber trade store will sell plumber's grease, I imagine that will do the trick.


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