My wife and i have decided to get the hell out of dodge and move to the UK....destination unknown at the moment but i'm hoping to get my old job back at Fullers brewery.
If anyone wants to check out what i'm drinking etc feel free to have a look at this blog that i'll be updating....
I'm leaving for the UK on the 13th March so will only be a day behind. I am hoping to visit the Fullers brewery, and trying to work out where the good pubs are in London, as I have four days I need to fill in around a few meetings. Maybe we should catch up for a pint.
I can talk to my old boss and see if i can hook you up with 'special tour'....i sorted Greig out last time he was there and he got to try some awesome experimental stuff. Yeah we can catch up for a pint, i know a few good pubs....this one is pretty high on my list
New Zealand brewing takes a serious hit. Best wishes - drop in the forum when you get a chance... make us jellous that someone is getting cask conditioned Landlord.
At least in Wellington departure lounge (Mojo Coffee), you can now get Tuatara Pilsner and Hofbrau Original on tap.... they must have known you were planning to go Kempicus!