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I want to brew my Brown Porter again as I love it!! Its let down a little by S04, dont get me wrong its a great yeast but, I have had better. I want to brew it again but I have no English Ale Yeasts, I know every one like 1469, but I cant get my hands on any fresh stuff, I dont want 1968 as this is a tiny little beer and I want it to attenuate right out.It would be easy to use the stack load of US yeasts I have but I feel it would just make the beer to clean and to average, But what comes after the 2 Ale yeasts I have used?

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WY1968/WLP002 is a sure-bet English strain I reckon. I've had great results with it.

It will produce some diacetyl but as mentioned above is cured by raising the temp in the last few days of fermentation or just let it sit another week on the yeast.

If your beer is more than 20ishL at 1.040ish it's worth making a starter for any liquid yeast.
Good tips Denim, thanks. I'll have to get onto making a stir plate.
I said earlier in this thread that 1028 was my go to yeast. I found it really good for malty beers - dry stout, brown porter - but it kills hops. It turned an english ipa into a strong mild!

I've just finished brewing a series of beers with 1318 - London ale II. I think this is a better yeast overall than 1028. Both a best bitter and ESB had fantastic yeast, hop and malt aroma, and a mild and oatmeal stout have come out well. It has a distinctive, prominent flavour - good for characterful, low-alcohol beers, but fine in bigger beers too.

Jo - intrested to hear about your success with Thames valley II. I've got a pack in the fridge that I'll get into once I've finished the pacman.
Yeah - I used it to brew my Brown Ale, and so far I'm quite happy. The Fuggle didn't come through as strong as I would have expected, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The beer is balanced, and the yeast has added subtle complexity without being OTT. The beer is better fir having used the yeast - if I had used US-05, I son't think it would have been as good.
For me, its 1469 every time as far as english yeasts go ;o) Cant wait to keg my brown ale this weekend and get that smack in the face stone fruit aroma :o)
Same. I'm still using that cultures I got from you Rev. I'm dreading the day they run their course. Hopefully Wyeast will add it to their regular range.
I miss 1469 :-( I went to my freezer today and remembered I threw out all my frozen vials months ago....idiot.
Thanks muchly fellas.
Different opinions and blokes who back them up with their experience is what I find so good about this forum.
So in no particular order the following english yeasts rate highly in NZ homebrew sheds and breweries.

Thames Valley II
London Ale II
WY 1968/ WLP 002
WY 1469

5 more reasons to keep up with this brewing caper!!!


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