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Hi All,

Does anyone know where I could get hold of a couple of old kegs to use for brewing? I need one for a hot liquor tank and one as a mash tun.



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Thanks Ian, good to know that the big guys are helpful and willing.

I've found a couple up north and Dai's giving me a hand getting them back down to Wellington. I keep telling everyone the main reason I moved here was the people are nicer.
I would pitch up at the scrappies in person to ask for a keg and don't wear a shirt or tie :)..I spent a week, emailing and calling every one in CChurch and they all told me the same - dont have them and wouldn't sell them if they did as they are not allowed..blah blah blah....

My mate who knows one scrappy through his company, dropped in and asked for a keg. Same scrappy who 2 days before said he never got any. .A 6 pack and $50 later keg was mine. Then the scrappy called him up offering him another few. This time the price was nearer $60 but at least I got some...Also sourced one through a friend who's mate ran a bar...$70 but that was like pulling teeth...

Also spoke to the breweries and several reps which pretty much ended up going nowhere..Nobody wants to disapoint so they point you in the direction of a.n.other in the brewery...Went from storeman all the way upto SI ops manager who promised me a call next time they were scrapping some..Never came!

They appear to be more precious than gold in CChurch.....
Kegs are often on Tradme, price to pay is about $1/litre.

Vitis (a wine outfit in Blenheim) also sell second hand kegs at good rates from memory.

We went the copper hot water cylinder way when we made our mash tun. Didn't notice any anodes but had to get the wire brush on the end of a drill to get rid of the hard white coating of calciumsomethingarather? on the inside. Can only add heat via more hot water or decoction but dont usually need much as it holds its temp fairly well. Also price of copper is waaay down on a year ago, most plumbers will have a couple of old HWC's lying around and you will get them for less off the plumber than the scrap guy.

No sure if you have seen this on TradeMe, but:


is a pretty good looking offer if the price does not go up too much. The guy has 50L ones too. If I had some more money I'd get one of each! Pick up only in Whangarei though- so you may need to know someone up there.
They're just what I was after. Shame they're so far away :(
Thanks to Dai there are now two gorgeous 50lt kegs sitting in my hallway.

Much drilling, welding, cutting and swearing should net me a mash tun and boiler :o)
Glad they made it! No problem at all. Hope the brewery gets up and running smoothly.


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