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Hi Guys,

Just wondering where everyone buys brewing ingredients.  Personally, I haven't found a place that ticks all the boxes, large range, good information, and great service.  Typically, large range is the hardest to come by.

I generally buy from:
Liberty Brewing - www.libertybrewing.co.nz
Brewers COOP - www.brewerscoop.co.nz
Hauraki Homebrew - www.haurakihomebrew.co.nz
Dunedin Malt House - www.dunedinmalthouse.com

I'm based in Hawke's Bay, and as far as I know, there's nowhere to buy local, so it's always online, usually from one (often from more than one) of the above.

Where do you buy yours?  Anywhere with a really good selection, and also preferably with good info (about the products) on their website?


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Dunedin Malt House has started doing 'Brew of the Month' again, avaliable in extract, mini mash or all grain options with either Safale/Saflager or Wyeast options as well.

The prices are discounted by about $10 per brew and even more discounted if you go the Wyeast option. I've got the August brew of the Month Oatmeal Stout (all grain) in secondary now, and it was smelling pretty damn fine when I transferred it from primary.

Libertybrewing.co.nz all the way!
Just discovered this website http://www.brewshop.co.nz. Anyone used them before? I notice there is no extra charge for having your grain milled:) They are in my region so I might be giving them a try sometime soon:)
Never come across this shop before. Nicest homebrew store site by far and the prices seem reasonable. Seems to be largely Coopers product?
While it does look like a very slick store, I just feel the need to support Joseph at LibertyBrewing. He's been extremely generous with his time, his pricing, his shipping, and also supports the SOBA NHC as a sponsor!

What there is a market for in the Tron is another good bricks-and-mortar homebrew store. The Te Rapa one is very spirits focused, and often full of people who look like they are buying stuff to make P! :) Now Home Brewed in Frankton is gone (RIP), there's just nowhere to get those last minute "damn, forgot to order..." supplies. Maybe BrewShop will consider opening a physical store? :) Then I could spread some love.

On a related note... all you Hamiltonians posting here... why have we not met? Come join the Ruakura Campus Club and hang out there on Fridays with most of the Hamiltron SOBA contingent...
"and often full of people who look like they are buying stuff to make P"

Isnt that the majority of Hamilton Greig? ;o) lolz

That website does look pretty, but it doesnt have all the info such as the malt brand, like what the hell is Ale Malt? Who makes it and where does it come from? Looks like it could just be a hamilton version of Hauraki home brew, again they have a pretty website but that doesnt mean I would go and buy ingredients from them!

+1 for www.libertybrewing.co.nz all the way!
I stumbled across them (brewstore) when I noticed they were a member on this forum!
Nice site but as you say the generic malt names etc dont inspire.

+1 more for Liberty Brewing
Appreciate the conversation about us (www.brewshop.co.nz). We're not in the market to compete with Liberty, but thought it would be good put a post on in this conversation so you can put a "face" to the name.

Our malts are all Bairds, Weyermann, Malteurop, Barrett Burston, or Thomas Fawcett. If you want to know about any of them, just ask.

Happy to answer any questions.
Any plans to go bricks-and-mortar any time soon? I'd love a decent local store to visit. :)
Not at this stage, sorry. Brewshop was planned before Frankton closed, so that's opened up a few possibilities, but not in the short-term.
never come across them before but their prices seem competitive and their range reasonable,maybe they could add more information but some of the criticism here seems a bit unreasonable.
i buy my stuff from a variety of sources with my choices mainly driven by price as i find the service to be prompt and friendly from all the sources, hops from nzhops,small amounts of malts from liberty and bulk malts from dmh, a sack of vienna and a sack of munich for $166 delivered! brewerscoop has a good range of other gear but freight tends to kill it for me down here.
Very happy to know they have re-birthed as BrewShop. Thought they were by far the most knowledgeable of the tron stores.

They were extremely helpful with sharing their brewing knowledge to a beginner like me.


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