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Hi Guys and Gals,

We are having the best month ever down here in Dunedin - not only our best sales month ever but I hope you've noticed the temperatures......30C and late 20's .... pretty damn fine for Dunners! Great times to sit back and sup an ale or three and contemplate the brews of 2009. I hope you are all enjoying the break.

We've just sent out a batch of Old95 that was completely sold over a two week period. It basically went out only just having finished its warm conditioning - yes just like a certain Auckland lager it was couriered out 'hot' not from pasteurisation but at 30 from the bottle conditioning room. Tasting what we have left in the brewery I've noticed some flavours I'm not happy with and the beer is
a little firey pouring. Not sure if the flavours will alter overtime due to the beer going through a maturing phase straight after warm conditioning which happens and the higher than normal carbonation isnt helping the flavour profile either.

As you know we've had issues with the Old in the past and we've been really vigilant on quality with it since then - I dont want another series of Old we're not happy with out there. Its a small batch and with it going out so fast i might not have caught what i think was 'too hot a ferment' and potentially over priming for the style. A catch twenty two with falling behind on a beer that whilst isnt our biggest seller is still passionately sought out by a committed group. And when we are out of stock of Old boy do i get it in the ear!

So in your beer travels if you could provide feedback on recently purchased Old that would be great. Please mention to any stockist if you experience dissatisfaction and get them to contact us here for potential exchange....

We are still struggling with Xtra emails coming to our email network from time to time - I dont understand the issue but apparently its still occuring. So it may take a landline call - happy to discuss directly - just ask for me - if I'm not immediately available leave message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I've been enjoying plenty of other brewers ales lately over the Xmas season - one in particular Three Boys wild plum - holy hell this has to be their best! Stunning - Well done to Ralph and his team - I was in the middle of brewing Taieri George (stuck mash, brewed from 5.30am to 10.30pm, this old bugger was a tired wee lad - but the pleasure of its aroma fermenting next morning made up for the tired bones! Look out for TG in 2009 its going to be beautiful - better be for that long bloody day) Richard handed me a glass of the Wild Plum and I was blown away - incredibly delicate, plum character really there and a lovely soft finish, too bad Richard only had one bottle - or did he......? Basta*d? Once again Ralph - a stunner.

Right back to fining the IPA and keg cleaning - have a good break and keep your palates on the lookout for any Old95 you're not completely happy with.

Cheers and see you in 2009


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The old95? A211. I'm putting together a letter to our outlets that we will exchange any stock that they still have.
Taking this step based on flavour and how it pours as opposed to a food safety issue. As stated by Greg I think it still drinks well but just not the Old95 of 'Old'.... Part of the issue has been that we open ferment the Old95 and with the hot weather down here the ferment tends to over heat giving the higher alcohols and esters that are almost Belgian in character. Attemperation of the open fermenter here is on the cards but I'm looking into simpler ways of managing the ferment to keep the temperature down with those unusual days we get above 20C.....not normally a problem down here! The carbonation issue is something else - linked more than likely to residual sugar level being higher than normal at bottling time when we prime with new yeast and priming sugar. These sugars are difficult to measure precisely without expensive gear - those of you who are intererested can use Clinitest tablets but these only give rough measurement - it only takes one to one and a half gravity points left to ferment in the bottle above what you would normally allow and you get problems like we seem to be having now. Combine that with maybe your main mash temperature out by one or two degrees and so on and so on.....
Better get back to it. Bottling the latest 1812IPA today - you'll notice a wee difference in finishing hop....... should be out for sale in a week or two. Tried a Trappist Witte 5.5% last night, can't say there was much in the way of witbier character beyond the fact it was cloudy, and refreshing, no citrus, no spice.... but nice to relax with after brewing Emersons Pilsner all day.
All the best and enjoy your summer break those of you who are still relaxing.



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