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I find that this press release for Export 33 raises more questions than it answers

"Called Export 33, the latest brew is brewed 33% longer (hence the name) than standard beer to remove unwanted sugars and reduce the beer’s level of carbohydrates - without compromising taste."

Which part of the brewing process took 33% longer?
- in the brewery? mash tun? kettle?
- in fermentation?
- in conditioning?

What are the unwanted sugars?

So not compromising the flavour means it tastes the same as regular Export?

Export 33 brand manager Dave Shoemack says the beer was developed to meet growing consumer demand - especially among New Zealand males who are increasingly conscious of the way they look and feel.

NZ males are you conscious about the way you look and feel?

if so does this effect your beer purchasing decisions?

if you don't look or feel good will that mean you will buy Export 33?

“New Zealand men love their beer – but increasingly aren’t so fond of beer bellies,” Shoemack says.

Don't beer belly's come from lack of exercise and poor diet? I'm sure there is an article out there

“The feedback from beer drinkers is that they are thinking more about what they put in their bodies but they still want great tasting beer. Export 33 is full strength, full flavour and low carb so guys can enjoy beer that is less filling without a taste trade-off – it’s a beer for modern lifestyles.

Full strength? how is this defined? Alcohol? 4.6%?
Full flavour? again definition please, as I have tasted Export 33.
Less filling? again looking for what this means. Does it mean that is fits into a small space?
Modern lifestyle? is that sedentary?

“Low carb beer has taken over America and is the fastest growing beer category in Australia. Guys don’t want to worry about how a beer might affect the way they look, so we’ve done all the work for them,” says Shoemack.

The fastest growing beer category in America is craft beer?

Brewers the world over are embracing the ‘healthy beer’ philosophy – half the volume of beer sold in the US is low carb or low alcohol.

Is 'healthy beer' philosophy another term for keeping the shareholders happy?

Help. I'd love to get some of these questions answered.

P.S. why is it in a green bottle? Export is in a brown bottle right?

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I was given a free pint of this on Thursday night.

It is without a shadow of a doubt THE worst drink I have ever tasted. It's thin and nasty and it required an epic session of Twisted Hop Challenger and Enigma to rid me of the taste
Dear Ryan, thankyou for your enquiry regarding Export 33 and below is a
process description of how Export 33 is brewed.

Export 33 is produced using an extended brewing process where natural
'maltase' enzymes continue to produce sugars from the malt for the
culture yeast to convert into alcohol and flavour. This extended
fermentation process which is greater that 33% longer than the standard
fermentation process typically used , results in a beer that has the
flavour of a full strength beer yet has a reduced level of carbohydrates
when compared to a standard beer. The extended fermentation also
results in a sparkling beer style that is both refreshing and very easy
So technically , 'Export 33' has a slightly stonger flavour profile than
say Export Gold but this is balanced by 'Export Gold' having a touch
more body and sweetness.
I trust that this satisfactorily answers your question and that you will
enjoy drinking a cold 'Export 33' on a hot summer's day.

Kind Regards,
Doug Banks
Technical Manager.
Hahaha, what a crock of shit!
Perhaps the SOBA NHC should change to World Beer Cup styles so that homebrewers can play around with low-carb lagers and maltase enzymes... Any takers?
"The extended fermentation also results in a sparkling beer style.."

A sparkling beer style, and which one is that?
ROFL, that new kind :oP You know the one... haha
I don't get this whole low carb, less filling, worrying about what carbs people put into their body malarky....carbs aren't evil it's a pretty simple equation, consume more calories than you expend and you get fat, the calories don't care where they come from, carb, alcohol or fat.....you want to stay trim eat less and move more...simple really
how does Steinlager Pure and Monteiths stack up?
The monteiths one was averagely ok from memory, Steinlager Pure IMO was pretty crap...

Just please dont sue me for saying that :o)
So is there a decision on the best beers? Emersons Pilsner or Epic Pale Ale?


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