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Hi All


Thanks to all those who have texted and called, it is nice to know you think of us here!


Christchurch is a mess, our house along with several hundred in my area have cracks, no power or water etc. We are lucky though as our thoughts are with the hundreds of families with missing loved ones.


Staying with my brother at the moment as he has power and internet!





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hey great to hear some good news - did you shift your kegs in there too ?
+1, good to hear everyone is ok!!
I'm glad you guys are safe. I hope your brewery and beer supplies didn't take too much damage. Best of luck for the hard days ahead.

Also glad to hear some good news. 

Been thinking about practical ways to help out - maybe we as a community could do something to help out ChCh brothers and sisters. 

Perhaps along the lines of a "RB relief case swap" e.g. donation to Red Cross accompanying entries with the upcoming CS or similar?


Well seeing as the water is not supposed to be used without boiling it would be handy to have bottles of something to drink... and bottles of beer would certainly make good drinking!!


I was just about to put a brew down, and had emailed Mike at Brewers Coop for some ingredients, but with him in the middle of moving at the moment it never quite got organised. I had pretty much run out of tasty beer the day the quake hit, and was rather worried that I would not be able to buy any for a while, but the liquor stores have been open and so the crisis has been averted. I even managed to find a couple of bottles of Emersons this arvo and am enjoying one right now!


I am rather worried that Pomeroys and a number of the Chch breweries will be out of action for a while. Local craft beer might be hard to get hold of for a while...

Great to hear you are ok James, Matt and I were worried when I didn't get a reply to my text. But I guess you've had other things on your mind. Really pleased that you're ok though mate.


Thanks Pete, the cell phone coverage has been dodgy at best and I was sure I replied! Hopefully everyone else got their replies... I know I got texts at 12:30am and 2:00am this morning that had been send about 5pm the day before!

Quite understand mate, just pleased to hear you are ok. And if you fancy taking a break on one of those $50 Air NZ flights you and yours will always be welcome to stay for a while and visit 'The Pilgrim's Rest Bar and Grill' :-)
Thanks Pete, we are in the middle of getting our tax year end software out the door, so I am currently a refugee at my brother's house using his internet to remote to work! Wife is back to work too, so we are getting back to normality!
Good to hear you guys are ok. I have a trip back home to chch booked for this weekend, looks like im going to be spending it helping with the clean up.

My 2 brew barrels have been pressed into water storage duties and so it might be a couple of weeks before I can get a brew down again... and I am unsure if a courier would be able to deliver a package if I was to order an ingredients delivery??


Yes it is a mess but it is kind of surreal in that if you travel 15km from the CBD or hills then everything is pretty normal. I am in Sydenham and we got some power back on the evening of the quake, and there is some water just starting to dribble out of the taps now. Plenty of liquefaction, much of which has been shifted into piles on the sidewalk. Worst thing about the liquefaction is the dust when it drys! Everything is covered in the dust from the cars driving down our little street.


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