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Hey guys,

Ive got a flatmate who is a level 4 metal fabricator (bonus!) and im looking at getting him to make some grain mills, thing is, hes not a machinist so I would need to get the rollers knurled by an engineering place and itll work out better if we get a few done at once instead of just one pair...

Soooo, I was wondering, if I can get him to make up a decent geared mill, would there be any takers? Price would probably be around the $150-$190 mark... How many people would be keen at that price? It will be good quality of course based on current mill designs...

Also, if anyone needs stainless fabrication (like conicals?) or welding done let me know cos hell be able to hook you up with a good deal!


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You should get him to knock up some conicals and lid adapters to fitt sanke kegs!!
He could def knock up some conicals, but stainless steel aint cheap which is the only problem, id say a conical would be close to a whole sheet!

And wtf is a sanke keg? A 50litre one?
Will do Crabbey, I think he was thinking of just making them? Ill ask him now...

Yeah he was pretty much just thinking of making the gears himself by just cutting them out?
Make a Pattern and get them laser cut!!
PM me the dimensions of your rollers mate and ill see what he can do :o)

Allthough laser cutting im sure would be better than an engineer with an angle grinder?? :-o
What gears? That's too flash. All you need is 2 cammed bushes, 2 regular bushes, 2 rollers (one with the drive shaft) and 2 end plates. When the grain sits in the gap, it engages the idler shaft... what do you need gears for?
Cos they look cool :oP lol


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