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I am new to RealBeer, I have had a search through the forum to find what I'm looking for but couldn't find it.
I am in the process of building a party keg out of a garden sprayer as seen on Aussiehomebrewer (http://http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=2...). I have got everything except the Picnic Tap (Bronco Tap).Does anyone know where I can get one in New Zealand?(I live in Napier). I know that Craft Brewer Australia has them but it would be nice to get one locally.
I also couldn't find a local supplier of John Guest fittings but found an alternative bulkhead fitting at Pneupower that seems to work.
Last thing, Food Grade Lubricant. Where can I get this?

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here's your picnic tap: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Antiques-collectables/Alcohol-related/Beer...

lubricant......KY????? :-)
Wow, that was quick!
KY - I have read that KY is ok but is not odourless
or tasteless, is this an issue?
I know you can get keg lubricant from craftbrewer in aussie, not too sure about locally tho sorry
I just use http://www.crc.co.nz/item_prod.asp?pid=816 there'd have to be stockist in Napier. Search food on the CRC page as they make a few different types.


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