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Frings brewpub for sale. Only just stumbled across this, so don't know how long it has been on the market for:



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Just to fuel the discussion....


In the past, some of the judges at BrewNZ probably shouldn't be there. I'm not singling anyone out in particular, but some of the categories that the Frings beers fit into happen to be the same categories that some of the "bigger labels" in NZ fit into. And you won't stand a chance to medal in these categories when the big kahunas from said "bigger labels" are judging the beers in this category. These guys aren't brewers, or even qualified judges from any beer judging programme.


I'll just leave it there - but I do agree that it sounds like sour grapes. I don't think that they are the only ones who aren't satisfied with brewing awards in NZ though.


Anyways - I'm just playing devils advocate! I'm not expressing any of my own opinions.

Doesn't that sound like their decision to stick with the status quo and not be bold and adventurous with their beers came back to bite them on the ass?

If you don't want to stand out how will you ever stand out?

Well, you look at Hallertau Brewbar and Restaurant. Before it was "Hallertau" it was trading under a different brand (and owned by different people). They old owners made fizzy yellow stuff as well as different wines etc. Nothing too adventurous. In the end, I don;t believe the business was doing particularily well.


5 years later - you just can't compare the 2 different business. I'll admit - she was fairly quiet there for the first six months or so... but being a local (and tasting how good the beer was) there was nothing holding me back. Now look at the place... it's freekin' busy there even on a bloody Tuesday afternoon. AND it's miles out of most peoples way. They make the effort to go there - just to have the great beer / wine / food.


I never miss an opportunity to go there whenever I'm up in Auckland. NEVER!!!!!!!!


The beer is always great... some of the stuff is "entry level" like bridging the gap between fizzy yellow and real craft beer... but the rest of the stuff is imaginitive, exciting, tasty and most importantly - really well made.


Sounds like the perfect example of someone trying to be bold and adventurous!

You can sum it up in one word: passion.
Firstly, no brewer has judged a style that their brewery has entered in the last 4 years. We made that change when I was on the organising committee. Not sure where that comment came from but is very ill informed.

I'd really never trust someone complaining from the sidelines... If you're not involved, not trying to make things better, then you're just a waste of space.

I know the BrewNZ process inside out and back to front... I reckon there are many improvements that could be made, on many levels, but how can someone who has not been involved (at least not in the last 6 years) pass worthwhile comment?

on a more positive note, I agree with all the thoughts here... I hope someone with passion, commitment and a little bit of flair takes over. We can always do with more great brewpubs.

"I'd never trust someone complaining from the sidelines"


That sums up exactly what I was thinking beautifully!!!

Woops... looks like I might have stuffed up...


I didn't mean the "brewers" of the big labels were judging the categories... and I certainly didn't mean to insinuate that it's been in recent years either. And I wasn't complaining - just stirring the pot: as I said before - "I'm just playing devils advocate! I'm not expressing any of my own opinions."


I'll happily eat my hat if I can be corrected - and I was only stirring debate. Not trying to misinform.

I thought you were quoting the "for sale" ad...

Always amazes me when people say " oh if they were more adventurous I might go there more often...  what a load of crap. After three years selling only craft beer in Warkworth I would undoubtably be a lot better off if we had been selling mega swill for the masses.  I certainly don't see a mad rush from Auckland even though you have Mega Swill dealers masquerading as Craft Beer bars that you happuily support. Anyone selling anything other that Big Brewery Beer deserves your support ..not derision. Frings make good beer for their market as do The Sawmill. neither of them enter competitions and I am sure both have what they deem valid reasons but unless you get off your rears and support these places then once again we will see a demise in locally brewed beer. Having started in this business selling beer over 25 years ago we have never had it so good. Put your money where your mouth is!

Judges are Judges and will never appease everyone but the only decision regarding taste that counts is your own!

Get out there and support bars that support craft beer and all brewers who attempt to make it so that you don't have to drink mega swill from multinational companies who care more about marketing and bullying than beer!


Rant over



Tahi Bar

We Don't Sell Mega Swill



Fair point, Ian.

I go to Whangarei 2-3 times a year to visit the 'in-laws', and I often visit Frings. If I were being honest, I don't "love" the beers they make, but I support them because they are in the same business as me, and they are trying (just like the rest of us) to encourage people to try something other than the mainstream brands - and I hope that is good for all of us.

They seem to be succesful at it too. For a start the business is still going - there have been plenty of breweries/brewpubs that have been and gone in that time. Perhaps they know their market. I've often been there when there is a decent crowd, and they seem to be big drinkers!


Happy New Year everyone.



Maybe you need to become more aware of your own surroundings as Tahi has not sold hofbrau on tap for over a year and in fact does sell Harrington's, Croucher, Hallertau, Mata and others on tap . If the breweries could afford the merchandise Peter I would be flying it. But that requires sales for breweries to be able to supply such things. If people are drinking two or three purely for taste that is wonderful but by that fact they require more people to be in the establishment. Therefore yes it is a numbers game and as I said Peter, Judges are judges and at the end of the day it is your own taste that counts. Big drinkers vs consistent drinkers sometimes there is little difference. The comments were not aimed at anyone in particular Peter and as for talking down to you...take it how you like mate but that was not the intention and I am sure the Bavarian residents in my family have not taken offence. ;-)

Ha ha Peter but we do, there a blackboards there everyday detailing what beers we sell and a website as mentioned on here and beer tourist but one will never reach everyone and certainly those who don't wish to be reached or have pre conceived notions about places and this applies to almost every situation in life. we are still here three years on and people come in and enjoy good beer and long may it continue there are many who think we are expensive when in fact a 330 ml bottle will cost less than a stienlager in Matakana so guess there is no accounting for pre-conceived notions...come in and find out for youself .

I like all sorts of people in my pub Peter..maybe even you :-)


Most beers that get exported to far off corners of the world are generally mass produced in there own nations but are often considered exotic in lesser known climes and we are grateful for the opportunity to taste something that many never get the chance to due to our geography, that was never truer of kiwis searching out the tastes of home ion Europe as well.





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