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Greig and i had been discussing my new years resolution "thou shalt not drink shit beer' i was a litttle vague/undecided on hop rocker....it's ok, nothing to write home about but quaffable.....i have just revised my opinion of the entire Lion and DB range (not that DB needed much thinking about) and have decided that it all qualifies as shit, hear that Lion? i will no longer venture into mac's shed 22 or let any of your products pass my lips and i will tell everyone that will listen how shit they are!
Im keen to take that challenge on also :o)

Not that its really a challenge at all :oP
no not really but it's nice to come out and say it and really think about what it means, work function with nothing but heineken and steinlager pure....drink water
There is such thing as wine, you know...I am sure I'll get slammed for saying it but you can drink it instead!! This is what I do when the work folk go buy Tui for work drinks (I COULD NOT believe their bad taste)!!
I like wine. But probably not the acidic stuff that would be served alongside Tui at anyones work drinks.
As we are public servants, we buy our own booze from New World and pay for it ourselves as well. I used to be responsible but I go t sick of it. I can guarantee that you can buy a decent wine on special for cheap drinks ($3 per glass) and you CANNOT buy a decent beer ($2 per beer). But, I never, ever resorted to Tui and that was what the team went for after upping the prices ($4 per wine, $3 per beer) saying they were get better quality. Sigh.
Bring riggers in from Regional Wines... 2L of Bookbinder is about $15. That's 2.50 per 330ml. Or have you got a "social club" that is trying to make a profit (to buy more tui)?
You are the man with the answers!! All we try to make money for is food to eat while we drink so it is reasonably responsible. I might pose that as an option.
Yeh, Fritha's always calling me a know-it-all.
It's my Socratic method ;-)
There is also such a thing called not having to drink alcohol as well, i don't really like wine and i'm not drinking shit beer for no good reason....water or soft drinks will do
Remember one of the reasons for the popularity of alcoholic drinks is social lubrication though!
I'm going to sue you for stealing my trademarked resolution.
Take down, take down!


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