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My first born is about to make an appearance in a couple days so I thought it would be great to stick away a couple top notch beers to crack open on his 18th.


Anyone done this before - will they last that long?

Any suggestions for beers that fit the criteria?


I'm aiming to lay down a barley wine at some stage which I'm hoping will last the distance but it would also be great to get some other beers for a point of comparison.


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I'm no expert in this area but Thomas Hardy is a usual for this sort of thing - snap up any you can find though because they've stopped brewing it.

I'd say any big beer from a reputable brewery would be worth a shot.
+1 for Thomas Hardys and wtf Glen?? Theyve stopped making it??

That makes the 2 bottles of 2008 I have so much more valuble!!
Yeah, I think they stopped making it last year or something.

I'm sure someone else here will be able to chime in with some more info (or (hopefully) prove me wrong).
18 years is a hellava long time for a beer. Even for Thomas hardys the 10 year vertical tasting is a big deal - 18 years is almost twice that...
only one way to find out though...
Thomas Hardy's was originally brewed by Eldridge Pope, they gave up the beer in 1999 and gave up brewing altogether a year or two later. An American Company Phoenix Imports bought the rights to the beer, and in 2003 contracted O'Hanlons of Devon to brew it. O'Hanlons ran into serious financial issues during the world financial crisis and decided to give up the contract in order to free up conditioning space for running beers that would turn over quicker. There are currently rumours in the trade that a new producer will be announced soon.

As for how long it will age, I had a 1979 bottle for my 30th last year, it was stunning.

So what year did they stop making it?? Last year?
2008 is the last vintage at this point. We have limited supplies of 05, 06 , 07 , 08.


I'd check out some of Brewdog's brews from Fraserburgh in Scotland. They have Paradox which they reckon will last the distance because of the high ABV (10%). You could also splash out on a bottle of Tactical Nuclear Peguin or Sink the Bismark. Both around 40% abv and Sink The bismark is currently the world record holder for the strongest beer. They may be hard to get over here but everyone seems to know someone in the UK or a mate who's going on holidays so I,m sure for a special occasion they'll help you out.
I wouldn't buy anything under 10% abv or else it will spoil. Hops are a natural antioxidant and stabilise the beer but this is only good for a few weeks/months. If you want a beer with real staying power you'll need to buy something off the scale on ABV and keep it locked up in the dark. Good luck.
Does anyone know what temperature should beers that are being aged be kept at?
Everything ive read about it suggests cellar temp, so about 10-12*c
I suppose I really should have thought of that myself. Cellar temp for cellaring the beer.

Under the house would probably be better than the back of the beer fridge then I guess.

I feel a double batch of Barley wine comming on.


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