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Anyone know where I might get Wheat Malt in Wellington?

I've had a quick search and can't see anything obvious, I don't believe Great Expectations can help... but this is a special case so I thought I'd put the question out there.


On Tuesday, a good friend of mine (and fellow brewer), was murdered - http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/4672697/Stabbing-victim-h... - Some of you may have met him as he had been brewing for years, and recently had started drinking at Hashigo Zake a little.


As it happened, I had some wyeast yeast for him from the recent order and me (and some friends) are looking to do a brew this weekend with one of his yeasts.... however, we want to do a wheat beer and have no wheat malt. Does anyone know of anywhere that this might be found locally? Or suggestions of a web based place that might be able to do a saturday courier delivery if I get an order to them early this afternoon?


I would be most happy with actual wheat malt, but would settle for wheat male extract or spraymalt I guess.


Any help hugely appreciated



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Sh*t bro, sorry to hear about your mate :o(


Try calling great expectations, they may have something in stock that might not show on the website?


Alternatively, get in touch with www.libertybrewing.co.nz - they are based in New Plymouth but may be able to get something on saturday courier - I reiterate may as it's pretty short notice...


Otherwise, maybe a brewer in welly is feeling generous and could sell you some they have in stock?

Nasty biz that, sorry to hear about it

Great Exp used to sell wheat spray malt, not sure if it's still stocked though.
I've no wheat myself

Are any of you brewing in J'ville or Northern Suburbs ?

cheers, jt
Go for a ride up to Tuatara and tell them what happened... they'll sort you out for some Wheat Malt.

Backyard were choice, saw them a few times when they've been up here.


If I had some wheat malt and was in your area I would donate it, but I unfortunately I can't.


I'm sure I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say our best wishes go to his family and friends.  No one wants to see a fallen soldier.

So sorry to hear about your friend there Simon. He looks like the sort of guy that would be a heap of fun to have a few beers with :)


Just checked their website, and Great Expectations still have unhopped Wheat spraymalt, $10 for 500g though.


Great idea to do a beer in his honour, all the best

Thanks all for you replys and good wishes... unfortunately GE was out of wheat spray malt, so I got to do my second ever kit beer :) I'm hoping it comes out ok... it's definitely smelling ok coming out of the airlock.


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