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I drunk plenty of sake when I lived in Japan but I never really considered making it till now.  I got given some koji spores by a friend who I think is pretty keen for me to make some.


Looks like an interesting process - instead of mashing you use a mold (koji) to break down the rice stach to sugar then yeast ferments it in a parallel fermentation.


I will have to work out the temperatures and times required to try and work it in with my beers in the fermenting fridge in which time and space is at a premium.


Has anyone made it before?  Any handy hints for someone just starting out?  Is it worth following the basic recipes or should I head straight for the advanced method?  (going directly to all grain worked out fine for beer)

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I havnt made it myself, but on the AHB forum theres a guy AdamT who has done a blog on making Sake, its quite detailed and in depth and perfect for a beginner!! Id search for it but cant seem to access the site at the mo...


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