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Hey guys

The last case swap went really well, it was just between AKL and ChCh, but this time round, if theres some people from Wellington keen to join in, well work something out...

So were planning on doing this again, probably once every three months or so to get feedback on our beers, and to try what everyone else is making... Im hoping this time round we get a few more people keen on this?

We need to do a few things

1. Compile a list of everyone whos keen, then decide how many batches we all do, if theres less people, well do 2 or 3 batches each...

2. Once we know whos in this time, we can vote on a date, which looks like its gonna be mid feb to mid march, depending on what works for everyone...

So ill start this off, im in :o) Who else is keen?

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Yeah I was gonna buy new ones anyway, anyones guess at how long mine have been sitting under the house.

Are the planned ones just the normal HBS PET 750s?
yep, thats the ones.
Reviled, you've listed Dale Cooper twice above.
I reckon sending 2 bottles each, for each person in the swap. Same beer or different beers, up to you.

Gee that's more bottling than I've done in a long time... worth it when you receive the box though!
Woops, typo, the 2nd Dale Cooper was meant to be Mr Cherry... Sorry about that :o(
I'm up to committing two bottles of differing brews this time. One Ale or Stout and one Pilsner/lager (funny that!), which makes 22 bottles for each brewer (16 being sent to another city!).

4 brewers x 16 = 64 bottles or a little over 4 boxes!!
I like reviled's notion of 1 beer for each other brewer in the swap.

It still means 11 bottles of homebrew each which isn't a bad showing.

If we want to do more batches, perhaps we should increase the frequency of the swap rather than the number of beers per swap.
Yeah, I'd prefer one bottle per person at this stage. Could probably squeeze two but it's kinda hard to guarantee 16.5L of beer. Cheaper to send too.

I reckon once this has been going on a little bit longer we should do a 'similar' beer swap. All brew a very similar beer. Like the same grain/extract bill or hop bill and we can be creative with the rest. Could be interesting to see who comes up with what. Just an idea at the moment.
Great idea.

Could be a goer for case swap 3
Tops idea mate, definately keen to do this next time!
15 Bottles better get brewing!!
Sweet. Put me in as a "reserve" for Wellington, seeing that you look like you've got good numbers on the 4x4x4.

My preference is for 1 beer and think the brand new 750ml HBS plastic bottles is a solid idea.

Also like Denim's idea for a future brew - all brewing the same malt/hop ingredients. Needs a little fleshing out at a later time...
What's wrong with 4x5x4. 12 beers each.

I agree with 1 beer each too.

I also also like Denim's idea of all brewing the same beer for a subsequent swap.


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