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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Tasty how much riwaka are you dry hopping with?
Haven't got my recipe to hand but I think it was about 40g.
Christmas Day IPA (junior)
5.5kg Golden Promise
400gm light crystal
100gm amber

NZ cascade/goldings/D Saaz

will probably dry hop too.

OG 1.056, IBU 49

Would've made it bigger - a real IPA, if I had more than on packet of yeast :( But for Christmas Day I didn't want it too over the top either.

I brewed an Anzac Pale Ale yesterday, gonna keg this for new years... Tasty :o) Galaxy hops rock by the way!

4kg Golden Promise
200g Wheat
220g Cara-Pils
90g CaraHell

60: 5g Nelson Sauvin (11.4%), 5g Galaxy (15%)
20: 15g Nelson Sauvin, 15g Galaxy
10: 10g Nelson Sauvin, 15g Galaxy
FO: 20g Galaxy, 15g Nelson Sauvin

Going to pitch some US-05 on this today, thinking of dry hopping also, but that might be a bit overkill? Any thoughts?
taste it when primary as just settled and decide haha.
Mein Pils, Mein Pils - Pilsner

5.5kg Pilsner Malt

Czech Saaz all the way.

Using Wyeast 2042.

Pretty boring really.
Not at all James, a classic Pils. Let me know how it goes, I was thinking of doing something similar.
Will do, I'm going to use a three step mash, however it is brew in a bag until I get my mash tun sorted.
Nothing wrong with BIAB pilsner ;oP What step mash are you using? Zwickels?
I was thinking his step mash schedule from here. There is 8 points difference between that and a single infusion, but the efficiency differs by nearly 10%. My last BIAB efficiency was probably 50 - 60%
Hey, there's a sale on at Payless Plastics in Shirley. They had a 44l Rubbermaid esky (rectangular) for half price there today, it was $65 I think.

Dunno if you're interested but I spent a while looking at it and going hmmmmmmmmmm
Hmm... time for a drive me thinks...


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