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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Yum! more hops more hops! ;0)
i've got tomorrow off work to....hoping to bottle and watch the cricket!
More hops ya reckon? I was reading through the BJCP guidelines and it has the additions at quite low...

What would you do?
sorry i just brewed an APA so i'm in hop heaven at the mo and i was just being smart, leave it as it is....i love Oktoberfest beers!
Only tried the C&B one which I thought had a slight megaswill taste and didnt really do the style justice, so I MUST brew one! :o)

Would a flame out addition go well? Or would that just be wrong?
Screw the styleguide - brew what you want to drink. If you like late hops, do it
Good point, I just wanted to try a "True" Oktoberfest to get a feel for what its like... Maybe ill just try 10g FO addition :o)
I'd leave as is (maybe a little bit more bittering) let the malt sing! it always strikes me as a chewy malt style with the hops to lift it a tad
Also a day off tomorrow, looks like the weekend will be crap so a quick trip to pick up some grain from Stu in the morning
Then a revision of the extract Cascade ale I did a few weeks ago but all grain
May add some munich and medium crystal
OG 1.042 and 28 IBU of Willamette / Cascade and US-05
Hoping to end up somewhere in the Brew Moon Amberley Pale Ale area, probably my fav beer at Beervana
On that note, I might go and have an Amberley Pale Ale right now...
I didn't care much for it at all. Very very husky.
I just had the Hophead and the Broomfield in the last week though - they were both very nice.
Cali Common tomorrow, or maybe Sat...I don't have the day off :-(

95% Aussie Pale
5% Caramunich II

67C single infusion


Northern Brewer all the way through - 44IBU

0.9g/L @ 30mins
1.25g/L @ 2mins
1g/L - Dry hop

WLP810 SF Lager yeast @ about 17C

Based on info in Designing Great Beers.

Gonna aerate the shit out of this one, I think not aerating properly has been letting my beers down lately.
How are you planning to increase the aeration? I think this could be a problem for me as well.

All I do is pour the cooled wort (once) from the boiler to the fermenter. then pitch the yeast asap and vigourously rock it for a couple of minutes. I know some people use a beer stone or aquarium pump...


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