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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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That's inline with my US05 experience too. Keep it under 20 (pref. under 18) and let the malt & hops do the talking. I'm a fan.
Yes, it seems the go sub 20.
I was pleased with the clarity too.
Also considering that I should do more 100% pale only beers.
The hop character with 100% pale - ok, this was LME - is great
Think I may have been confusing the palette with to many 'extras'
It's a wait & see or a shall I, shan't I (a bit like the Coopers Pale Ale thingy)
Yeh, all my experiences with US-05 for hoppy beers have been rather good too. It may actually perform a little more like that "other" Californian Ale yeast (1272?) than the 1056. I've not had any trouble with clarity if CCing for three weeks - or when brewing beer blacker than that hole in Calcutta ;-).
Yes, I've read that it's more like 1272 than 1056 and I'm maybe tempted to try a W1272 if this ale's a repeat recipe.

That sort of defeats the purpose of the exercise as I'm looking for a quick extract brew that I can do on a whim an requires no thought or preperation

No trouble with clarity on this brew, bright & sparkley, must have been because I racked it eh ;-)
Absolutely a recipe to work on.
The keg is half empty after a week.
I'll certainly try it as a grain beer next brew up and it'll be a standby extract receipe if time runs short.
Sometimes the simple things can be good ...
jt, I've lost track of this thread, can you recap the recipe?

I'm thinking that my next AG batch will be MO only as far as malts are concerned. What would you do for an AG version?
That hop profile looks pretty good. How did it come out?
More bitter, at a wild guess (not knowing the beer's OG or AA%), and I've never come across any character in Epic that would suggest anything close to that kind of a dry hopping.

Nice and hoppy though. EPA on EPO?
hahahaha yeah, more like it's on P though!
more like maximus humulus lupus, i was going for Armageddon as an experiment but it's a bit sweeter (and better balanced) than i wanted....tastes damn fine though and smells heavenly ;0)
Fermented started at 18 and cranked to 22 over about 3-4 days... I would imagine fermenting around the 20-22 would give it off, maybe even higher.. Its a pretty forgiving yeast
Hey I can confirm this is true. Just started drinking my APA which due to the weather we were having crept up to about 22-23 deg during fermentation (using US-05). Loads of honey coming off it, but works well with the rest of the beer which I'm really happy with. I suspect you'd be drilled for it in a beer competition against the style, however.


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