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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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same yeast (US), same malt (GP and Caramalt 30)
Any word on a release date?? Man, ive got some beers to buy, or maybe ill wait till I come to New Plymouth Jo and try em with ya!
a couple of weeks but it'll be late June to early July before you start seeing it around
I want my bags of monster the second they're filled Stu - can you do that for me? I'm starting to get excited!

I'm looking forward to giving my Angram a workout (thanks again Studio...)

Reviled - I don;t think a single bar in New Plymouth would stock any of these beers. You'd have better luck in Auckland with Galbraiths or Hallertau (if we can talk Steve into buying some).
Oi you lot, stop thread-jacking to sell your wares! ;-)
I don;t think a single bar in New Plymouth would stock any of these beers

I was thinking the JoKing brewery/bar would tho? ;o) If not ill try and find them before I come down so we can have a decent tasting session!
Brewing my annual mead today.

Strawberry Mead (Melomel)
Batch size: 12.5L
ABV: 11% (approx)

- 4.0kg Arataki Amber Honey
- 2.0kg Strawberries
- 0.75tsp Tannin Powder
- 3.0tsp Yeast Nutrient
- 2.5tsp Acid Blend

Added to fermenter after 5 days:
- 2.0kg Strawberries (Pasteurized)
- 2.5tsp Pectic Enzyme

Wyeast 4184 (Sweet Mead)

I plan on bottling half as still and carbonating the other half.
I've been thinking about making some mead. How long before you drink it? I remember as a teenager finding my step dads 20yr old bottles of fruit wine and mead. The mead was unbelievable.
"How long before you drink it?"

Doesnt it take like a year just to ferment?
How long before you drink it?
My last mead was in the fermenters (racked several times) for 6 months before bottling and then 2 months in the bottles. That mead was 15.5% ABV. I still have one bottle left and it is now 2 years old.

This mead is around 11% so it should be ready sooner. I'll rack it a once a month for 3 months and bottle it when it's tastes ready. I'm expecting to bottle it after 3-4 months when it gets nice & clear. I'll start drinking it after about 5 months having 1 bottle each month from there.
nice. What sort of fermenters/vessels are you using?
Standard plastic fermenters this time. I used glass carboys last time. Plastic might be not be as good for long term conditioning so I'll be getting it into the bottles as soon as I'm confident that it has well & truely finished fermentinig.


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