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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Nah I hav'nt and realy wanted to get into it, Stocks are low and with the weather how it is today and trying the Single hop last night gave me the itch to use it today, hopefully it should give a nice light caramely sweetness to it, hence why I mashed low, so I can get a better gauge of the caramel sweetness it offers.
Interested to see your results, ive got a kilo of it sitting here that im yet to try...
Help!! Im just transferring my hopped red ale to 2ndary for dry hopping and im not happy at all with the colour, its nowhere near as dark/red as I was wanting :(

So I was wondering, could I steep say 50gms of carafa special and put it into the 2ndary with the dry hops?? Should work yeh?
Never done it meself but it sounds okay to me - as long as you steep, then boil and chill as usual before adding. Can't think of anything that would go wrong with it
Theres one thing i can think of - with this particular beer I mashed quite high to balance out all the hop, so its stopped at 1020, which is where I want it, but if I add something like carafa wont I be getting more unfermentable sugars??

Hmm, I might just leave it and work on the recipe for next time... Cheers Ally :)
Red food colouring? :P

mmm raspberry esters...
a touch of roast or black might do the trick, like irish red ales
Wear tinted specs ...
I bet if we take Reviled's BIAB bag away, he will be seeing red. :P
1) 50g of carafa would do the trick I reckon. Steep, boil for 10 min, cool & add to secondary. You'll get some additional unfermentable sugars for sure, that's what makes it red. 50g shoudn't affect gravity or flavour much though.

2) Add a couple of squished blueberries to secondary.

3) Serve it in a red tinted glass.
Cheers guys, ive decided to just leave it as is and see how it turns out, it had a red tinge to it but id say itll come out more of a copper colour...

On another note, finally managed to get this brewing today with a few adjustments from the original recipe I posted up here.. Its chilling as I type...

The Passion of Hop Double IPA

5.07kg Golden Promise
650g Global Munich
300g Carapils
260g Aussie Wheat
220g Caramunich II
390g Cane Sugar

FWH - 24g Galaxy 13.4%, 12g Simcoe 12.2%
45 - 18g Simcoe 12.2%
30 - 24g Galaxy 13.4%, 24g Centennial 9.7%
15 - 12g Galaxy 13.4%, 18g Simcoe 12.2%, 24g Centennial 9.7%
5 - 18g Galaxy 13.4%, 24g Simcoe 12.2%, 18g Centennial 9.7%, 12g Columbus 14.2%
dry - 24g Galaxy 13.4%, 24g Simcoe 12.2%, 18g Centennial 9.7%, 12g Columbus 14.2%


Should be tasty :o)
I brewed something similar a couple of weeks ago - only difference is you're using Galaxy and I used Amarillo. Had my first taste of it last night and thought I'd maybe gone too far with the hops. Halfway through I decided there is no such thing as going too far with hops. Looks well tasty


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