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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Soren... just came across this now. Thanks mate - and thanks to everyone who has offered some kind words. I just hope my service is as good as it has been for the last year... I promise I'll give it 101%

I should give Stu some credit too... I'm only brewing it because I liked his case swap beer so much.
Flattering.... but I know that you know what I thought about that beer, so i hope i get the chance to try yours and prefer it... the two worst beers I've made all year have been my case swap beers. Must be the pressure - you guys are all so damn good. Hopefully I can get something decent into the next one.

Tonight my gas will be returned, filled and ready to pump out some beer. I have two full kegs of stout that I brewed before I followed the road to Beervana. I'm looking forward to drinking some - warmish and flat! A shame that they probably won't last until the case swap.
A brewer is his own worst critic!

Nevertheless... my hit rate with Belgians has been pretty crap. Lets hope this one is half as good as Red Rackhams.
Anything to do with another business starting up Stu?
I had this shit on my windscreen this morning, well either that or some hoodrat down the road hit aussie desert sand digging up his garden.
either that or some hoodrat down the road

Strange things happen in big cities !

cheers, jt (from the quiet end of the street)
Currently mashing into Van Halen with my Amarillo ordinary ;o)
Amarillo is so nice. It definately works in these English beers bro.
I agree, it gives off a nice mandarin almost marmalade character...

When I was weighing the hops out, I upped the 5 min addition from 12gms to 21gms ;o) couldnt help it lol

Bout to start sparging...
Haven't brewed for a while but here's a Schwarzbier style beer that brewed about 8 weeks ago. It's tasting quite nice, not fantastic but nice. I may have overdone the Caramunich a little but I'm still enjoying it. Hops aren't as prominent as I hoped either.

1 x Macs Lager Kit
1 x Macs Pale Kit
300g Caramunich
350g Carafa Special II

Assumed 20 IBUs from kits with an additional 12 IBUs from hops:
30g Motueka @ 15 min
25g Motueka @ 0 min

Fermented at with two packs of S-189 @ 17c for 3 weeks

OG 1.047
FG 1.012
IBU 32
ABV 5.1%

Steep grain in 4L water @ 70c for 30min
Add water to 13L and bring to boil
Flame out, add one kit, stir and bring back to boil
Boil for 15min with hops as per schedule
Add second kit at flame out
Cool to pitching temp
Add to fermenter and top up to 21L with cooled boiled water
Pitch rehydrated yeast
Ferment for 3 weeks
Keg it
Drink it!


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