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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I'm with you on that - the comp is very laid back. I will have an open mind when it comes to judging, and the best thing to do is to brew what you like to drink. At the end of the day - you are the one drinking 20 Litres of the stuff... not me.
I brewed the Roggenbier on Saturday - here are the details.
I hear you, love your work. I will definitely try and make it (sounds very non-committal). I'll bring some brew with me either way, I'd love to catch up with you guys.
Well - that's great news, Tony. I love catching up with forum members - have made a few good friends along the way. It'll be good to meet in real life.

I'll be sending out a reminder to the group 6 weeks out anyway. Hopefully acts as a bit of "motivation".
Awesome mate, good to hear. The more the merrier they say.
Ok, Wairarapa IPA

Golden Promise 91%
Crystal 5%
Sugar 4% (enough already, I've got efficiency issues!)
30g Sauvin @ 60min
60g Cascade 15min
60g cascade 1min
60g cascade dry hop
OG 1.064
IBUs 76

Waddya reckon 1 or 2 packets of US05.
At ease...
13g of yeast, assuming a 20L batch.

Doing a porter tomorrow at 1.064 and should be 13g of yeast but I only got one packet so will have to underpitch :-(

Nothing wrong with the sugar, will help dry it out. Looks like a tasty drop.
1 pack will be fine... you won't be far under.
Working on this, will prolly brew mid week when I get some caraamber.. Belgian Pale Ale, reminiscent of Leffe blonde which I used to quite enjoy allthough havnt tried in over a year...

20 litres, OG 1061, IBU's 35

4kg Global Pils
450g Munich
150g Cara-Amber
90g Melanoidin
300g Cane Sugar

60 : 5g Northern Brewer 8.5%, 18g Super Alpha 10.5%
10/5 : 10g NZ Hallertau 4.5%, 15g Styrian 5.5%
Wyeast 3787
Looks good. I've tried to brew a Belgian Blond before but couldn't get that sweet taste. The Melanoiden should fix that.
Just whipped up a cheeky little Belgian Ale.
It's really just to experiment with Caramunich and T58.
You were right about that Caramunich Stu, beautiful fruit & nut.

10.5L batch

1 Macs Lager Kit

150g Caramunich
30g Carafa Special II
(grain steeped for 60 min at 70C)

T58 yeast

Planning on keeping the temp <20C (hopefully 17-18C)
that looks nice Mr Cherry... very nice.


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