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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Hey Joking,

are you using a software programme for this? If so which one? I use Beersmith.
Yes - I use beertools pro... it's the best software I have found so far. I have Beersmith and Prp Mash too also, but they aren't as user friendly or as expansive.
Donkey Oatie - an oatmeal stout

3.7kg Golden Promise
500g flaked oats (toasted)
400g home-toasted "Victory"
350g Chocolate
250g Crystal 60L
250g Roasted Barley

Mashing for 90 minutes at 70C

65g Pacific Hallertau @ 60 mins

Aiming for 1.058 and 35 IBUs

Yeast will be rehydrated S04.

About to start lautering - fingers crossed!
Managed to avoid a stuck sparge, although runoff was very low. OG ended up at 1.056, so not too far off. Fermenting away nicely at 20 degrees.
Howd the home toasting go Martin?
It was smelling pretty good. Whether or not I've achieved "Victory" is still to be seen, but it certainly had a nice toasty biscuity aroma when it went into the mill. I've given Barry a few hundred grams, so we'll see what he thinks.

I suspect the impact of the home-toasting will be a bit submerged in this beer, as there's plenty of other roastiness in there.

It's fermenting away really strongly at the moment - very pleased with that.
Nice, did you chew on any? Have you used up all of it? Recipe looks the goods too, should be a damn good stout!
I did have a little nibble! Tasted yummy. As did the wort for the stout. I really love the look of the wort for dark beers - that oily inky blackness is superb.
Haha love the name.

Hope you're not tilting at windmills with this
Heh heh. I enjoy the naming almost as much as I enjoy the brewing.

But not as much as I'm enjoying my 'Pale Beauty' IPA. Just a couple of bottles left but this baby has matured into something gorgeous. A lovely balance of fruit and bitterness. Even my wife likes it! I need to find a slot in the brewing schedule to do it again.
Got in an early start today.

Brewing an APA
5kg pale malt
.1kg light crystal
.1kg dark crystal
90 min boil
25gm Nelson sauvin 60 min
50gm US cascade 10 min
50gm US cascade 1 min
and of course 50gm US cascade DRY HOP (my favorite addition!!)
All fermented at 18 with US-05 sprinkled on top!
5% ABV
41 IBU

Should be tasty?
Looks like an easy drink "lightly hopped" ale.

Looking forward to a taste!

That IPA we brewed is FREEKIN AWESOME!!!!! - Very well fermented. Good work!


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