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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Aye? Hot alc?
Is that the one with 4.3kg of malt? Thats like 93% efficiency... 26 litre boil down to 21 litres.
Fuck 93% are you joking?? It cant be? No way??? Yes it was the 4.3kg batch, I was cracking up this morning seeing as I hit 1060 with 7.1kgs just last weekend, but that was an experiment..

Geezuz, 93%, thats gotta be wrong?
Gotta love that high quality Imported Germen Pilser Malt aye?

Either that, or your wort was like 12 degrees.
Might have to get some next time. Tho I still like what I'm making with gladfields!
You just picked up a whole sack of Gladfields didn't you?
My wort was actually at 22*c.. Shit, im pretty well chuffed ;o) Thanks for hooking me up with the global malt bro :o)
No sweat. I personally love the stuff - it leaves any other Pils Malz for dead.
Shit, I just realised this beer is gonna be sweet as :o( Is it possible to get more bitterness in it?
It wont be sweet. I bet it finishes at around the 1.010 didn't you mash at 65?
I dunno, im looking at that hopping schedule and thinking the IBUs may not be very high? I did mash at 65 tho..
It'll be like Mayhem then - nicely flavoured with some slight sweetness. Sounds like a nice beer to drink.


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