Far out you guys! 3 pages of well wishes!!! That is sooooo cool. You are all legends - thanks again. I just got Started on my Pliny the Elder now... tasting better that I remembered.
Fullers Vintage Ale. Fuck what a beer. Thanks to the Beer Fairy (not to be confused with the Tooth Fairy). Thats how all beer should be packaged - a bottle in a little box: no light strike in this bad boy. And the malt tasted so good - I could go on about it... the balance was perfect - must be at least 60IBU. Nice fruity yeast flavours coming through... hints of almond too. Spicy, herbal hop flavours... excelent mouthfeel. Wonderfully crafted Ale. It got me thinking.
This stuff is supposed to be fermented with the 002 / 1968 strain. So - how the hell did these guys get it to attenuate so well? I mean - it's 8.5%... it doesn't taste like there is a substantial amount of sugar in there, and it tastes like it finished fermenting at about 1.018... so by that reasoning, it needed 64.7 gravity points abouve 1.018 to get to 8.5%abv: 1.0827SG... so that would mean it would have had to have attenuated 78% to get it to where it is now... from a pretty substantial gravity too... that is some flippin good brewing skills right there: 002 and 1968 are the crappest attenuaters out there! How they managed 78% is a mystery to me... and I'm glad they can do it - because this beer is fuckin wicked... it's in a class of its own.
Nicoles bday dinner last night at an Italian restaurant - so I tried a Peroni for the first time and was instantly disappointed by the 'skunked' smell. When I mentioned my disappointment my sister proclaimed after a whiff - doesnt all beer smell like that??? FFS :o(
On a happier note - We got a new place confirmed yesterday, 5 bedroom, moving in in 3 weeks! Woohoo!!! So drinking Belgian Rye when I got home to celebrate!