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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Obviously a targeted advert..


The Beer Store
Cheers Daniel. I've been thinking of ordering from you so that's helpful.
What vintage are you selling? Thomas' taste much better after 4-5 years, young ones are a bit Marmitey.
Currently 2005.
The Monkey Wizard brewery in Riwaka has (had?) a very nice Barleywine on offer. Don't know if they do mail order, or if they have a website, or a phone number.

Glad I could help.

Les Pere Jules Poire. Simply brilliant. Bottle emptied too quick.
Had a taste of Nicoles Blande Ale Mk I last night after kegging and force carbing, its tasting pretty damn blande :oP lol, really drinkable tho, came out at 4.2%, nice subtle hop flavour, subdued hop aroma which you can only just pick up on if you really try, and a nice bready pils malty character... Things I would change - More Munich, I can barely taste the 250g, maybe 500-1kg would go down well, and maybe just a touch of some darkish crystal purely for colour as my current version looks a little like wees :oP

Also it seems my Raisin wine and Grapefruit wine (had some spare dry enzyme, thought why the hell not) have finished fermenting.. Gonna leave it ages before I play around with it tho, im not in a rush to taste it haha ;oP
The malt flavours should start coming through in a couple of weeks of cold conditioning.... Maybe you shouldn't have added that sugar if it's tasting a bit pissy....;-\
I didnt add any sugar to this one, considering it for the next one tho :oP

Appreciate your comments JT about the malt balance, im gonna up the IBU's next time and use 25% Munich, considering using only Motueka so I can get a feel for it a bit more, reckon this next one wont be anywhere near as blande, it just doesnt seem right ;oP lol
I've been hopping with Hallertau, which isn't as distinctive as Mot flavour-wise for me
You'll probably get more flavour from 10gm Mot than I get from 20gm Hallertau
Heres what im thinking for version II, im showing my true brewing colours here I think lol
OG -1042 IBU's - 30
2.5kg Pils
800g Munich
110g Cara-Munich II
250g Cane Sugar - caramelised with some wort and citric acid.
60 : 15g Motueka 6.7%
20 : 25g Motueka 6.7%
FO : 10g Motueka 6.7%
WLP-001 (which finally kicked off!)
More Munich, I can barely taste the 250g, maybe 500-1kg would go down well, and maybe just a touch of some darkish crystal purely for colour as my current version looks a little like wees :oP

Past 10% Munich I'd up the hops to balance the extra malt profile - otherwise it might get a little too blande. Found with 15% I was slightly out of balance towards the malt, not enough of the hops to get past it.

If you want to adjust colour, I'd go with a smaller amount of choc or black, more bang for your colour buck so to speak, without the sweetness.

Drinking - no, an alcohol free day ... ok, just a hydrometer sample of my Kid Chocolate approximation.


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