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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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But in good news, the brewery was completely saved, and the monks are increasing beer production to pay for refurbishment. And with increased supply comes... lower prices! :) Mmmmm, slightly-cheaper Rochefort 10!

Renaissance APA and MPA for me tonight.  


I chose those beers at the supermarket over other beers because the label states what hops are used.  As a beer lover & home brewer wanting to explore different hop combinations it's great to have beers that help me in my understanding of exactly what I'm drinking.  Good on ya Renaissance!

Last night:

- a couple of bottles of Townshend's Cathcarts NTA. I really wish I had a case of this because it is outstandingly good.

- a couple of bottles of Epic Armageddon IPA. Almost a "comfort beer" this now - always good, always inspiring.



- the Pale Ale at Leigh Sawmill. Called in for lunch on our way to Goat Island. Said a brief hello to one of the new owners - it sounds like they're not planning on changing anything in a hurry (except I hear the cans are for the chop). We were having a rather fraught lunchtime with our son so I didn't really pay much attention to the beer, but it was nice enough.


- Hallertau Statesman at Tahi bar in Warkworth on the way back from Goat Island. As always, a wonderful welcome at that place. Statesman on good form as always. Was very tempted by a bottle of His Majesty lurking in the fridge but remembered I was driving!

"(except I hear the cans are for the chop)"


Really?? Hopefully they dont replace them with green bottles :oS

Last night in Dunedin:


First bottle of Invercargill Brewery's Stanley Green Pale Ale... Extremely delicious!

Second bottle... Tasted like it had a fault.. Diacetyl or something weird.. Gar! Couldn't see a batch number or anything on the bottle... Third bottle was fine though.

Call me superficial, but the label on the bottle needs tweaking.. Looks a bit amateurish...


Then I did the usual Dunedin thing of getting shitfaced on Emersons London Porter and 1812. Back to Auckland today.

Mike's Premium Organic Ale (Traditional Dark Mild Ale) soon to be followed by Mike's Double IPA.


I really like the Premium Organic Ale even though Dark Mild is not a style that has ever done anything for me.  Smooth, chocolatey & caramelly with a lovely yeast character.  Goes great with a BBQ.  

Does anyone know what yeast they use in this?  1968?  S-04? :-)

I've been told at one stage a couple of years ago Mr Cherry that they used a lager strain in all of their beers, including Mikes Mild, however that may have changed, and they may have also used a different strain in the organic ale??
It definitely has an English yeast character.  It has inspired me to brew something similar in the coming months but I just don't know enough about English yeasts to know where to start.  I've been wanting to brew with Wyeast 1469 ever since Mike Neilson gave me a beer he brewed with it about 1 1/2 years ago so maybe I'll try that one.

It's a lovely beer, I agree. At it's best it has this cocoa aroma that sends shivers up my spine... so much better than "chocolate" beers. I always find myself wishing I could get it on handpump.

Last I heard, from the old owner, they were using the Irish Ale Yeast (1084?). I remember him being upset that Neil Miller had written something about it using a lager yeast. I'm sure Joking will know...

California Lager yeast rings a bell - might only be in my head though ....

Two Hearted Ale:

This beer was brewed in Michigan, and it set the bar very far for my favourite of the year! This is an amazingly well-balanced 'IPA'. (Really more of an APA to me.)


I cannot stress enough how I like this beer. Whilst I am usually a hop head, this is hoppy, but overbearing. It tastes like Centennial hops with a nice counter balance of sweetness. It has a real nice golden colour, and a good head.


If you guys can get this beer, I whole heartedly recommend it. I may even see if I can bring a couple bottles with me on the next visit back in April.  

Twisted Hop Beach Bum with lunch. Came with it's very own earth tremor! Excellent beer to start the year.


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