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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Eeek! I will attend to those bottles. Bit worried I've got some infection doing the rounds as someone said one of my case swap beers was a gusher too. Uh oh.
I wouldnt pin it down to an infection mate, the beer tasted clean enough..

I think that after kegging for so long we get into a habit of not fermenting long enough, and kegging early. I know whenever I bottle the last couple of litres when keggin 9 times out of 10 they end up way over carbonated, yet the beer still tastes fine yet ive checked the SG a couple of times and its allways a few points lower which would def explain it!
How long was the beer in the fermenter?
holy shit - i bought one but didn't look at the price. Just missed you as we got there about 745
Speights Empire this evening after football. Had never heard of it before going into the pub, but saw it on tap advertised as an "India Pale Ale'. Tasted nice enough to me after running about for 90 mins. Something woody in there and quite nice. I'd drink another. Google tells me its on limited release in Speights Bars thru-out NZ so if you''re dragged into one for any reason I'd say 'try this'.
All blacks First test of the year so have a few All Blacks to watch the match - Townsend No9, Mata Black Bru, Yeastie Boys PKB, No.8 Smoked Porter (x2), Epic Stout, and I even grabbed a can of Guniness!!
Yip drank my Epic Stout and iStout watching the games.
Hrm! Might have to pop in for a swift pint tomorrow. Never let it be said I won't drink a good beer from the big two! :)
Me too, Tom told me about Empire today whilst we were bagging the hops. Sounds pretty good, however not many of the LN staff were even told about it.... seems their marketing team don't know when to actually market a good beer?
when to actually market a good beer?

So can anyone confirm - or deny - if it's a 'good beer' ?

I wouldn't want to go wasting anymore good money on crap beer
Depends on whether you trust Ally's taste buds..

Tasted nice enough to me after running about for 90 mins. Something woody in there and quite nice. I'd drink another.
Something woody

So I could drop a piece of 4x2 in the keg at an attempt to replicate it ?


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