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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Is it available in bottles anywhere in Wellington?
Only on tap at Shed 22, as far as I know. You can get takeaway flagons there though.
I completely agree Barry, it's the best beer they've put out since Mac's bought Shed 22. I've been back a few times and apart from it being too cold (i buy two at once to fix that) it's a lovely drop! Oh for the days when Shed 22 was independant and Sassy Red was a great drop too!

On the 'what are you drinking' subject I'm off to visit the Twisted Hop for the first time this weekend....looking forward to their pukka real ale!
I'm not sure it was ever "inde", was it? I thought they were just pretending, in case it flopped.

I reckon the Log Burner was ok. No saison, but a nice difference from the standard "hoppy pale ale/lager" or "dark" that we're confronted with for the average seasonal. And Sun Dance, besides one warm "soapy" bottle I had, was a decent little golden ale. Sure, it wasn't Three Boys Golden Ale 2006/07, but nor was Three Boys Golden Ale 2007/08.

Anyway James - Have fun at The Twisted Hop. I know you will love it. There's nought bad about the place, and it's run by New Zealand's most generous beer lover (and there's a fair few generous ones amongst us). Spend a lot, introduce someone to the place, and don't forget your old friend "moderation".
Blonde #1 spluttered dry on Sunday so Blonde #2 is the current 'go to' at the fridge.
It's got some carahell in it which seems to give it a bit more something compared to #1. It's a tad sweeter, not much, just noticable.

Brewed Blonde #3 on the weekend and added 100gm caramunich just to see ...

Considering buying some Coopers Pale Ale and possibly reculturing the yeast - it was an ANZAC thought, bit late for that now - and doing a similar ale.

Considering buying some Emersons Pilsner as I haven't had any lager for awhile and the hydrometer sample of my own lager type beer was tasting good on the weekend
Picked up some Emersons Pilsner from New World Lower Hutt

Anyone seen Coopers Pale Ale in Welly (apart from regional) ?
I'm pretty sure I saw it Central City Wines & Spirits about a week ago. Waring Taylor Street Wellington.
JT, Thorndon New World sells Coopers.
...and in case anyone is after Coopers, Thorndon New World's selling the pale ale, sparkling ale, and stout for $12.99 a six pack at the moment.

I'm quite partial to the stout...
And Botany PaknSave too. Can't remember the price though.

They have a pretty decent selection there for a supermarket.
I like the Stout too Alasdair, I knodked the top off a few tallies while I was in Aus. It's nice being able to pick up the big bottles.

I go hot and cold on the others a little but they are certainly unique.
You've inspired me jt!

I bought some coopers pale ale and I'm currently attempting to create a decent starter from the dregs of two bottles and some boiled DME. It seems to be working, albeit slowly. My plan is to tip off the wort and use the slurry when the volume is right.

How 'bout you?


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