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Hi folks,
I'm a newbie to the splendid art of full mash brewing and am busy trying the set myself up to indulge this wonderful pastime. I have plumbed for a Barley Crusher and plate wort cooler which I finally have ordered from a crowd in WA called TWOC Brewing Supplie - Roy there has proven VERY helpful. Now I am on the hunt for a suitable esky with tap (I have material for a false bottom) and a ss brew pot with a thick bottom. I intend to do just 25 L brews initially but I understand a 36 to 40 L HLT is desireable to allow room for the boil and also that the chilly bin need to be large enough.
I would be most grateful if anyone has ideas as to where I might procure these items affordably and what would be most suitable. I look forward to his new group very much.

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Thanks, that indication of size is very helpful.
How big is your existing pot buddy? if its 30 litres or more then you allready have everything apart from $10 worth of Swiss Voile material for the bag...

Check out www.biabrewer.info for the low down
I doubt my pot is 12 to 15 litres - since I've only dabbled in extract brewing so far. So I need to upgrade.
Anything brewing atm then Ian ? You've got to be drinking something ?
Hi jt, yes, I've been brewing some extract beers and I have a Black Rock IPA in bottles and just bottled a Muntons Irish type stout which I used dark, plain malt extract in instead of the dextrose, so that'll be interesting but needs a few weeks wait fist.
The IPA is fairly palatable though it will be better I reckon with a couple more weeks standing in its cool, dark spot. The bottle or two I've tried as I say is OK but, although we carbonated, doesn't seem to have good head retention for some reason. I am very fussy about a properly cleaned beer glass used for nothing else and the extract was well withing its date to use, meaning presumably the hops should have been fresh, so I'm not sure why this would be. Any thoughts?
PS wee have some VERY nice micro breweries about the South Island for when one has to stoop to purchasing the beverage!

Could be a couple of things, is it all malt or did you use some sort of sugar? All malt generally has better head retention. Another thing you can do is steep some crystal malt (say 100g) in 70°C water for 25mins sieve and then add to the boil....
Crystal gives great head! hahaha sorry couldn't help that one....
Yes, nice girl Crystal! Good tip that too. Actually with the IPA I used dextrose with the kit and then the sugar tablets when bottling. The stout has only malt and no destrose, so maybe that will be better head wise. Taste is OK, it's just a bit disconcerting having no 'kiss of the froth' when quaffing the beer.
sugar drops are fine but there's nothing better for head than all malt and Crystal.......
Great tip, thanks. I guess that's what this is all about - something learned that could have been a problem for some time to come. Hopefully the full mash method will obviate that problem.


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