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Hi there.
I am passionate about beer and have just started to brew my own beer, I have just finished my first 2 exract brews, and have caught the bug.
I am realy wanting to get into All grain. I have read all the internet info I can find, all of it quite technical but not daughting but would love to here from fellow brewers on the best and most effective way to start my own all grain home brew setup from purchasing grains to drinking all info would be appriciated.

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Sorry Rev, you are attempting to preach to the converted.... I converted from BIAB to traditional!
It still makes me sad James, because I know how awesome your BIAB beers could be ;o) haha, youll come back one day... Maybe?

And Mike - Its still BIAB, its just a refined process, but still BIAB ;oP
Yeah but your not realy Biabing now are you, Its more sophisticated now!!
Yeah I reacon you should call your bag now a mash screen!!
There was a really good thread on HomeBrewTalk which won me over when I was researching all grain. It showed me I could brew all grain using equipment I already had without feeling I had to dive into false bottom mash tuns and the like.
Im only using extracts, iv'e only just finished my 3rd batch ever pretty much, which was extract and steeping grains. But im looking to step it up. I am pretty intrigued by this biab stuff cos it looks pretty easy to do and relatively inexpensive. Which is what i need right now cos i rear ended some lady and i had no insurance..gutted. Might have to have a crack at this method.

Is this the only method you use Reviled?
BIAB is the only method ive used since I moved to All Grain...

I did one partial after 8 or so kits, then stumbled upon BIAB and realised that I allready had the fermenters, and that with a 30L pot, a $20 mesh bag, an old 2 ring burner which I scored off a mate, the regulator and lpg bottle from my bbq I could be brewing AG beers...

All up it was maybe $140 I spent getting set up, a well worth it investment!!
I should have stopped at BIAB... probably spent $50 on a gas burner and bag, got the keggle for free and made good beer.

God, and probably my wife only know how much I have spent on brewing since then.... worth every penny as I make great* beer.

* At least I think so.
James - do you think that your beer is better because youre doing traditional brewing? Or do you think it might just be that youre becoming more experienced, and that if you had stayed BIAB'ing, your beer might be as good as it is now?
I'm almost certain that knowledge, experience and patience is the key to great beer irrespective of your gear. I must admit just before crossing over I was getting efficiency in the 80s from the modified BIAB regime and I was learning how to use my grains and hops.
Or you could go the Urn BIAB route, and get something like this...

Looks a good deal if you can get it before too many bidders get on to it. My 56 litre ss pot cost $108 off TradeMe. I'm building my Brew Tower at the moment and have made it so that I can do 'traditional' brewing at some stage (if I want to get back into that) or BIAB, which I will probably stick with as it's so easy.


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