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I look at some of the ratings, and feedback, and ranking of some of the beers on RateBeer.com, and I find myself wondering if the crowd collectively is right, or they are just following the rest of the crowd. Do these people judge/rate these beers unbiasedly or is it very emotional? Many cases it looks emotional.

I'd like to take an example of Epic Lager. This beer is filtered bright, has a nice white head (even noted in the comments) but all the reviewers gave Appearance 3/5. What is wrong with this beer that it loses 2 points for its appearance. Is it just the fact you can't give full marks for appearance, or is 3/5 the best anyone gets unless there is emotion or passion from the reviewer towards the beer?


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I see a lot more cider on the horizon, it's always been a very underrated beverage!!
May our sails catch a fair wind Steve - and I'll race you to the horizon!
I've got my thumb out.
Thought id just share these lol comments from ratebeer, didnt think it was worthy of its own thread tho...

"Don’t waste your 89 cents on this. Just ask a friend to punch you in the stomach after eating fresh dog shit and you’ll get the same effect and your breath will smell better."



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