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Ok - so this might seem a little weird and PC by my usual standards but in team meetings at work I encourage people to give a quick "barometer" check of their week to see how they are going. It helps people crystallize their thoughts into the essential things that are going on. So I thought I would try it here on the forum.
There are only 3 rules:
1. You must provide an answer when asked as you would in a team meeting at work - if you are lucky enough ;-) (volunteer out of turn - it's fine on a forum);
2. You may have as many highs for the week as you can reasonably think of but at least one is compulsory; and
3. You may have a maximum of only 1 low for the week.

So what are my items this week? Glad you asked....

1. California Lager yeast (Wyeast 2112) - wow, just loving it and the fact that beers take so little time to condition up!
2. Quick disconnects for my gas on my corny kegging system - how did I live before hand. If people want to get you a cheap but valuable present for birthday/father's day/any other reason then get them to buy you a QD's for less than $35.

1. Promising 15L of beer to a friend on Friday 30th May and knowing that you don't have a hope in hell as it's that good it won't last that long! ;-)


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Only high's for me, today is my 1 year birthday of all-grain. Tonight will prob be my low when I open one of those bottle's to celebrate and work out it tastes like crap!!!!!
I don't think so Dale from what I have observed.

Ps I could make it about 3:50pm ish for that opening if you are home?
High : Mint brewing session on Barts Belgian Wit
Low : One last check after pitching to check the Fermenter tap is on tight to have it break off in my hand
High : Wife rescued me by quickly sterilising another fermenter and transferring it
Low : Lost 2l on the garage floor and over me/wife
High : First time I tried 3944. Amazing yeast and beer looks saved !
High: redeeming the free $20 of beer from Liquorland. Free beer, specially good beer, rocks.
High: Kegging, then tapping the next night, the latest batch of an all-sauvin golden/summer ale, and finding it better than the commercial alternative I'd had earlier in the week (3 Boys Golden).
Low: Finding out on Sunday morning that the keg I'd switched the tap across from for the new one has a leaky poppet, evidenced by beer all over the floor. Arse.
Better than 3 Boys Golden?! Wow, that must be some damn fine beer you've made there mate! Good job fella.
and an old 3 Boys Golden... not sure when the last batch was brewed but it is a summer seasonal!
Kind of figured that was the case - aroma was a bit lacking for what I was expecting. Martin, I'll do my best to see you get to try some and see what you think.
funnily enough I just read in the SOBA mag, yesterday, that 3 Boys Golden is now all year 'round (permanently on tap at Pomeroy's and the official beer of the Rogby World Cup 2011)
yeah I was some what surprised to recieve a consignment on back order recently as I wasnt expecting it till Spring.
It's spring down here...!
had some at Poms last night and it was spot on!
it felt like it here today aswel. Very sad although there was a lovly frost to consol me this morning,.


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