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Hey guys, think it's time for our third case swap and catchup. Was thinking the 8th or 15th 22nd of May does that work for everyone?

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Hey Guys, thinking 15th for me as in Palmy and am back on the 8th but not till half six at night. Will have at least two brews to bring and for you to try.....cheers Adam
I'm in, either date is fine with me. Happy for people to meet at my house this time if you want - I'm based in Wakatu. I don't have kegged beer or a fancy set-up to check out but we could sample some bottled beers while chewing the brewing fat.
Hello all.

We managed to dodge the volcanic ash cloud by 1 day!

Any chance of throwing in an alternative date of Sat 22nd May after 2.30pm? (No worries if it doesn't work with the consensus).


Ps Don, if your reading this I will track you down with that 20 bucks I owe you.
Yeah happy as with the 22nd don't want you to miss another one!!!!
22nd is cool with me.
Happy with 22nd.....at this stage nothing else on I think....
Sounds good to me. I reckon 15th is a goer. Dont reckon I'll even have another brew down by then though...
Hey Dylan how's 22nd it's the only date John can do.
Hey Fellas,
Im working the weekend of the 22nd. No matter, I havent made a new brew since my DMS Golden Ale anyway. You guys enjoy yourselves... Sniff sniff.

Yeah I'm in for the 22nd!!! Looking forward to it! Unfortunatly I haven't been spending much time brewing but have an IPA and a very average Stout to bring along!
Great afternoon, and a good 'catch up'.

Thanks Christian for hosting and Dale for oganising.

Beautiful beers Dan, Adam, Christian, Dale and impressive sparging Dale. Look forward to the finished product Geoff and Dan.

Yeah cheers Christian had a great afternoon. Looking forward to the next one already!!!!


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