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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Sweet, then I get 20% off...
PKB will run out as Armageddon and Maximum Humulus Lupulus turn up. Perfect.

I had some on hanpupull at Bar Ed last night. It's improved so much in only a week!
This will suprise a few of you. I went out for a business linch yesterday to Peggy Gordons Irish Bar in New Plymouth.Low and behold, they had Fullers London Pride on cellarmix. Needless to say, I got drunk at lunch time with my General Manager, Operations Manager and Financial controller. They had Stella, and Speights consecutively.

The draught version tastes considerably better than the bottle. I asked the barlady how much of the stuff has been moving, and they have used up 3 of their 10 kegs within a week. Needless to say, it was fresh. I am more than motivated to use this 1968 in an ESB style Ale now - that London Pride deserves all the medals it has won IMHO.

At the moment, I'm drinking Yakima Monster through my "cellarmix" setup. It's quite pleasant.

Anyone fancy a visit to New Plymouth this weekend?

Mark, Pligrim - you guys live pretty close.
Cellarmix? N/CO2 mix?

London Pride is on tap (CO2 only though) at Thirsty Dog on K Rd in AK for anyone that's interested.

Tasty tasty shit out of the tap.

Gimme your secrets of your home cellarmix, I got forward sealers now. I heart them.
Thirsty Dog eh ..... they still a reggae bar?
Heaps of punk shows down there, well that's what I'm there for usually.

What kinda reggae are you into, skinhead stuff? I like me some old skin ska/reggae.
Ah mate, what about the Specials? Been looking for someone to go with.
I'm 50-50 on that, the missus is going, I'm more of a 1st wave ska man myself.
Fuck it, I'm going. Let's get our skank on Martin.
I'm tempted. I can't stand it is my 3 year olds favourite song at the moment.

Goodnight Terry, Goodnight Rhonda (always followed by me: Goodnight Frankie).

Why couldn't the cunts come down here and play San Fran Bath House???
Because while you Wellingtonians were too busy monopolising all the beer, you forgot about the sounds...
Right - better remember to buy a ticket!


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