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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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I've put it on my facebook profile. can't think how to save it. maybe we create a hall of fame for the best quotes. might inspire more creative statements
Or an attack of purple prose so vile we'd never be able to read realbeer again! :)
"using the Monteiths brand as shitty mulch to control the weeds of diversity"... Mate, I just snorted out loud when I read this... Now everyone in the office is looking at me... Absolutely BRILLIANT quote! ... quick, trademark it.
OK looking for people to come up with quality content as good or better than Hugh, to make the front page. And it doesn't have to be negative.

See the new "Most Descriptive Quotes" at the top of the front page
Epic Pale Ale, the mistress my wife approves of.....
Better to have you on this side David...

On that note, I know that Mac's definitely used to do a little bit of analysis for a few smaller breweries. Not sure if they still do, or of it was "official", but I was impressed when I heard it (from the small brewery, not from Mac's).

We did a bit from some BrewNZ entries a few years back... to help develop an NZ Pilsner style. A few random other beers of interest were chucked in. The results were fascinating - ABVs, AA%'s, IBU's, EBC. There was one DB beer on there and i remember it was 0.01% off the labelled ABV (e.g. 5.01 instead of 5%). None of the craft beers were within 0.1%.
Online alcohol measurement +/- 0.02% diluting a high gravity base "beer".May be different now but was called a LiquiDtata which uses NIR technology.

Do i miss it, no. I have a cool laboratory with some hydrometers, a pH meter and taste.
You can't beat taste... if you love beer.
Full-page article written in last weeks Canta. Credit to "Pot Belly" for the article, and letting me put it up on here.
That's a pretty nicely balanced article from a "real person" perspective. A few factual errors - Green Man didn't walk away, they are legally bound by contract not to challenge it. Other than that, great stuff. :)


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