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So I had this great idea for a really simple bottle filler with only 3 parts. I had already shot the YouTube video in my mind as I was making it in the workshop. A piece of stainless steel tube and two rubber bungs. One bung fitted over the top of the tube for the bottle and another smaller one turned down to jamb in the beer bowser spout. A quick clean and sanitize, grab a 330ml bottle and jamb the top bung in the faucet. A good yank on the handle. It was then that two things struck me. The first was a shower of draught beer, and one ohno second later the realisation that whilst there is a seal at the back of the thimble to hold the beer back, there is no seal at the front of the tap. Oh well, the best laid plans of mice etc. One more idea that will never make it to the patent office :-)

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I took many a beer shower while trying to make a counter pressure bottle filler, with stainless steel pipe, taps, etc in the end it was a simple push in the right direction and $17.90 to make this:

Yup, I rock one of these too, bloody awesome.
Yep, daft thing is, I had already made one with a tap in line, I was just trying to be inventive and come up with something new. Nothing ventured................ And if I gave someone a laugh along the way, well, it was all worth it :-)


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