I thought it would be cool to have a comparison of everyones Red Ales. This is mine after cold break (the wort here is 5 degrees) and is 18 SRM on the button.
I wish I could brew beer this colour all the time - it is really majestic to look at. Maybe I'll do an "Evil Twin"... Evil Dead Red clone...
3 weeks is all you need. I only brewed mine yesterday cos I had family over, and was bored. The 1469 cranked within 12 hours.... so it was on.... like donkey kong.
Sort of like Anzac Biscuits in a way. Malty (obviosuly) sort of toffee and raisin and anzac. If I ferment it well, it should make a nice beer - I could be tempted to reuse the grist for an IPA and get some Amarillo, Centennial and Simcoe amongst that Cascade... US-0magical5... 7.5%abv... num nums. Oh and 100IBU... num num nummmmmms